A Mako-chan Chapter

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"This is so rigged! How are you beating me in this game when it's your first time playing, Kiyopon!" said Haruka.

"Quiet down Haruka. Maybe Kiyotaka has a talent of being good at games, I don't know," said Akito who shrugged.

The Ayanokoji group are inside the classroom in where we are playing a video game. To be precise, the game called is Super Smash Bros. It was me against Haruka where she was using Pikachu and I was using this character called Donkey Kong.

(Ah yes, breaking the 4th wall. Is it breaking the 4th wall? I have no clue tbh)

"Looks like I win again, Haruka" I said.

"Kiyopon, we're you lying about not playing this game and you actually play this game a lot in your free time."

"I wasn't lying when I said this was my first time playing. Remember how I kept losing when I was playing against you, Akito, and Keisei and I had Akito to teach me how to play the game."

"Haruka, no need to be a sore loser. Just admit that Kiyotaka is better now then you in just a span of 30 minutes, which is incredible if I say so myself. Now hand me the controller so I can go against Kiyotaka now."


"Sorry, Haruka but I'll have to agree with Akito here", said Keisei.


"See, even Keisei agrees with me that you're bad, even he is not that good himself."

"Whatever, video games are not beneficial anyways."

"We know that you focus on your studies, but you should have some fun from time to time and practice. Only then you might be able to beat me," Akito said with a smug grin.

"It's o-okay Haruka-chan, maybe n-next time you can beat K-Kiyotaka-kun."

"Not you too Airi. Fine, but next time I'll beat you Kiyopon."

"Get ready Kiyotaka, I won't be going easy you."

"I hope you don't. I might get embarrassed if I lost when you're going easy on me." After a few minutes, I beaten Akito.

"Okay, how the hell are you this good!"

"I told you Miyacchi, Kiyopon might have been pretending to be bad so we could feel good about ourselves."

"I am telling you this is my first time playing."

"Let me have a rematch. I want to see if I can beat you," she said.

Before we were able to have a rematch, Yousuke went to our table and called my name.

"Kiyotaka-kun, someone is here for you."

"Hmm? Do you know who it is?"

"It's someone from Class B. I'm pretty sure Amikura is her name."

Amikura, huh. She's one of Ichinose's closer friends and I usually see them hanging out in the cafeteria, but what could she want from me.

"Alright, tell her I'll be right there," I said. Hirata nodded and left to tell Amikura.

"Wait, do you know her Kiyopon?

"Not really, but I know that she's one of Ichinose's closest friends. I don't what she wants from me, but I guess I'll talk to her."

"But you seem to know who and where she hangs out with. Are you guys close?"

"C-close with K-Kiyotaka-kun."

"Now that you mention it, I sometimes see you talking with Ichinose and sometimes see you guys walking together in the morning," said Akito.

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