A New Beginning with an Angel (2)

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Ayanokoji POV

I am currently on the bus, looking at the window and thinking about how my school life will be. Today is April 1st, which is the start if the school entrance ceremony. Eiichiro who was beside me was currently taking a nap.

We could have gotten to the school by car, but I wanted to see what it feels like riding the bus for the first time. I must say it's really different. When I was finish thinking about all of these things, I heard a voice. Apparently, that also woke Eiichiro from his nap.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't offer your seat?" It was a beige haired girl who said it to a a young, well-built blond man of high school age had sat down in one of the priority seats.

An elderly women was beside the girl, who was about to fall any second now.

"That's a weird question pretty girl," the boy said. "Why should I offer my seat. There's no reason for me to do so."

"But you're sitting in a priority seat. It's only natural for you to give up the seat to the elderly."

"Hahaha, that may be true, but are there any laws that says you must be obligated to give up a priority seat", the boy said. "The answer would be no. It's my decision for me to whether give the seat or not."

What he said was true, there is no law that states that tells it is obligated to give up a priority seat to someone. I must agree with the young man on that. The people on the bus were either reluctant to move or just pretended they never heard the commotion at all. I looked around and saw a girl who was wearing the same uniform as me, reading a book titled, Crime and Punishment. 

"Maybe I should give my seat." It was Eiichiro who said this to me. As expected, he was always willing out to help people when they're in need. As soon as he was about to speak to the beige haired girl, someone stood up.

"Excuse me, you could have my seat if you want. I'm sorry for not doing it earlier," said a blond haired girl.

Someone had beaten Eiichiro to it. This might be a rude thing to say, but I'm glad someone else gave up their seat. I don't want to be sit next to the elderly woman; not that I'm saying it's a bad thing, but rather uncomfortable.

Third Person POV:

"Thank you so much, ano..."

"Shiina Mahiru," said the blond haired girl said with a smile

"Nice to meet you Shiina-san. My name is Kushida Kikyou and it appears we're going to the same school."

"Looks like we are. What's your class? Mine is class B."

"Aww, I'm in Class D. It's unfortunate we won't be in the same class, but I hope we can still be friends.!

"No worries Kushida-san, we can be friends despite our classes!"

"Ne, Shiina-san, do you have any friends coming here into this school also from your old school?"

"No I don't. It's unfortunate that they didn't get accepted, but that means I could make more new friends."

"Hey, looks like we're on the same boat! None of my friends also got accepted, but my goal is for me to be friends with everybody in this school! Wait, does this mean you're my first friend?"

"I guess so and I'm sure you can achieve your goal based on your cheerful personality and looks."

"Oh, stop it. You also look beautiful, Shiina-san!"

"Well thank you for the compliment, Kushida-san," Mahiru said with a smile.

Ayanokoji POV

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