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Kiyotaka here actually showed some of his abilities and took some credits, so he will be known to the school. He still won't be the leader of the class. Right now their class is in Class C, but very close to Class B.

No KiyoKei.

Today was the first day of us first years being 2nd years. I went inside my classroom and saw our names in a different seat. Well, Chabashira-sensei did say we'll have new seats before spring break began.

I went to look at my neighbor, or I guess old neighbor, sitting at the front.

"Good morning Ayanokoji-kun", she said greeting me.

"Morning. It's a weird change, isn't it?"

"I suppose, but we're just in different seats, that's all."

"I guess your right."

I went to my new seat and laid down my head waiting for class to begin.

"It seems like we're neighbors now, Ayanokoji-kun."

I looked up to see who said that. It was my classmate, Matsushita. She had a habit of stalking me which is creepy especially for me. I can't believe I'm saying that.

"Morning. It looks you're quite energetic today."

"I mean it's our first say being second years right, so it would be natural to be excited, right?"

"It depends on the person, but that person isn't me."

"You should be more outgoing Ayanokoji-kun and you will be even more popular."

"I never really like attention anyways, so no, I won't do that."

"You say that but a lot of people knows about you. Even the people in Class A are wary of you." she said.

I just gave her a shrugged and said my famous line, "Who knows?".

Class began and Chabashira-sensei walked in.

"Today is your first day as being second years. I congratulate for the people that managed to stay here. Only 4people were expelled in your years which is impressive. In fact, this is the first time where a year managed to have less than 5 expulsions," she said.

The class were happy about this since Chabashira-sensei were praising us. "I also acknowledge you guys for being able to raise up the ranks and right now you're very close to Class B," she said and giving a small smile at the end. Now everyone was really happy.


As soon as she began to speak again, everyone started listening, waiting for what she wanted to say.

"Even though it's your first day, you guys will have a special exam coming up which technically starts tomorrow. This exam is only for the 2nd years."


"It's just the first day of school and we have do a special exam already!"

"Give us a break Sensei!"

As expected, the class went into chaos. Already announcing that we have a special exam that will start tomorrow is not something you wanted to hear. After all, we just came from break.

"If you want to voice your complaints, tell it to the higher ups. I don't make the rules here," said Chabashira-sensei.

"Now let me tell you how this special exam work. This is a special exam because it involves with pairs, one boy and one girl. This will last until Wednesday of next week. Every day each pair will be tasked to complete many tasks that is send by the school. This could be tests, sports, etc. Each time a pair completes a task, they are awarded points. After the exam is over, we look to see which pair has the highest points. First place gets 250 class points and 500,000 private points for each person. Second place gets 150 class points and 200,000 private points for each. Third place gets 100 class points and 100,000 points for each. If any pair fails to complete their task, expulsion awaits them. You guys will get a break during the weekend, so don't worry about being stressed during the exam."

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