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"Jane, you know this is the best for everyone." A lady stood in front of me. Her blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun, a white lab goat rested on her shoulders. I wasn't sure where I was or how I had gotten here, but whoever I was in this dream knew this lady and hated her.

"Good for everyone, or good for you? Who knows how long you'll live for. Not that I care." My fists were clenched and I felt the sting of my nails digging into my palms.

The lady's face went soft and sadness etched lines into her skin. "You don't mean that."

"I mean everything I say. You want to send me to die! You send kids to die and call it science. This isn't right. None of it."

She looked like she wanted to cry, but she took in a death breath and then her face hardened. "You can think of it however you want. But you kids are our answers. Our future. And if I have to sacrifice my own daughter then I will."

Everything went gray and then I was thrusted into black. My side was sore and my arm had gone numb with the way I fell asleep. My backpack was still in my arms and it had made indents into the exposed skin of my arms.

I was shivering and I realized that there wasn't an actual window on the wall, it was more of a hole in the shape of a window. I set the backpack on the floor and took my shoes off, pulling the sheet over me. It barely helped, but at least now I was covered. I laid my head on the flat pillow, but it was more comfortable than the lumpy mattress.

But I wasn't as tired anymore and I didn't know what time it was. Really I was feeling troubled. The dream I had was super vivid. Like I had lived through it once. And weirdly enough, a piece of me felt whole again.

Who was she and why were we having that conversation? It felt important, but I wasn't sure what they were talking about. Could it have been a memory from before the Maze. Was she the one sending us here? Was she the reason that none of us could remember anything?

And most importantly, was she actually my mom?

At some point I had fallen back asleep and hadn't realized it until Nick woke me up by knocking on my door. Groggily I had told him to come in. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair, but got them caught in my wild mess instead. Nick laughed at my struggle and I pouted.

"Instead of being a jerk, could you please help me? I think I'm losing circulation." Nick rolled his eyes but came to crouch in front of me, gently pulling the strands from my fingers and then settling them out of my face. He was so close to me, focusing on my hair, his bottom lip between his teeth. I had tried to avoid looking at him, because I had grown uncomfortable, but I peaked a glance. He had freckles, something you wouldn't notice unless you were literally an inch from his face and his eyes weren't really brown, but they weren't green either. He was cute.

I blushed and tried to pull away from Nick, but now his fingers were stuck in my hair. I yelped and he fell against me. Great. Now my cheeks were on fire. He tried moving back but he was caught in my tangled mess, and pulled my hair every time he did.

"Wait, hold on. Stop moving." He did as I said and luckily I was able to loosen his digits from the strands and as soon as they were free I stood up, clearing my throat. "So what am I doing today?"

Nick didn't seem to notice the awkward moment-or acted like he didn't-and stood to walk to my door. "Well first is breakfast. Then your first job training. Come on."

We walked downstairs and I noticed we were the first ones down here, well other than the cooks. Frypan was too happy for so early and I immediately regretted the grumbles I had given him. He was nice to me. I should be grateful for that.

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