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I woke up to boys shouting. I thought someone was in the fight at first, but then realized they were talking about the sky. What about it? Did it fall while I was asleep? It was dark when I opened my eyes. Why was everyone awake right now? I looked at my watch.

8:42 am.

I read the time again, confused. Then jumped out of bed. "Shit!" Minho. He probably already left. Either way I pulled clothes and my old running gear on, sprinting out of my room. I took the steps two at a time, jumping the last three. There was no sound from the kitchens and I found it empty. There was no food served as well.

I missed breakfast. I just ran behind the counter and grabbed an apple. This would have to suffice. I took a bite of it as I walked out of the homestead and dropped it when I bumped into Newt. "Dammit."

"Jane, where have you been-what are you wearing?"

I looked up from my fallen apple, meeting Newt's confused one. "Minho wanted me to run with him today. I thought he told you."

He shook his head. "He didn't tell me anything. Why didn't you say something?"

"I was distracted by Teresa."

He looked like he wanted to say something but shook his head. "We got other things to worry about."

"What other things?"

Newt looked at me like I sprouted two heads. "Jane, look around. Have you not noticed?"

I did look around. Everyone was standing about, not doing anything but looking and pointing up at the sky. I looked up too and gasped.

That's why it was so dark. The sky was gone. In its place was a cement ceiling. I wasn't sure how we were getting lighting, but it wasn't pitch black. It was a depressing sort of gray. I looked at the other boys and found Thomas and Chuck. I made my way to them, telling Newt to check on Teresa.

"What the hell happened to the sky?" I asked when I got there.

They both shook their heads but Chuck was the one to answer. "Woke up like this. Thought it was still night time but it took one check of a watch."

"The sky was fake." Thomas said. It sounded like the end of a thought voiced.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"The sky. It wasn't real. How could it be there one day and the next not?"

I breathed hard. "The sky has been there since the day I got here. And now you're telling me it's fake?" Thomas nodded and Chuck got closer, ready to catch me if I fell suddenly.

"Greenie, Jane, the shuck you guys just standing around for?" Minho walked up to us, strapping his vest on.

"The sky is gone." I said with a pinched voice.

Minho looked up, just now realizing. But his curiosity was gone just as fast as it showed. "We got a maze to figure out. Come on." He turned without waiting for us. I just sighed and we said bye to Chuck. I instructed him to stay with Teresa, to protect her for me. He just smiled and saluted. His smile was bright against the grayness and I could help but smile back.

We got Thomas his own gear and headed for the Maze. Minho already had our lunches with him, wanting to save time that we wasted. We all had questions about the sky, but it made no sense to ask them now. Who would have the answers?

Minho led the way, never faltering to guess the next turn. I don't know why I thought my body would just get back into Running again. I was out of breath and aching an hour in. Despite that I kept on running and didn't complain. I was lucky to be here right now.

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