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It was a quiet walk to the homestead, the only sounds were the boys as they made their way to dinner. Nick opened his door and his room was pretty much similar to mine, down to the hole in the wall excuse of a window. I stepped in and he closed the door, wordlessly going to his drawer. He pulled out a shirt and a pair of shorts that he thought would fit me. When he handed them to me I laughed, holding them against me. They were almost a perfect fit.

"I was small when I got here." He admitted with a sheepish smile.

"Not so small anymore." It was meant to be a joke, but it came out sad and reminded him that he was no longer a child. And because of these harsh conditions, he didn't look like one anymore. I coughed. "Can you, uhm, turn around? So I can change."

"Oh yeah." He spun on his heels, facing the other way. Even though he wasn't looking, I still felt awkward. As he was still looking away, I pulled the fabric of the shirt to my face. It smelt like him even though he hasn't worn this in a while.

When I was fully dressed I told him it was ok for him to turn. Immediately his face went red and he had to turn back around. I frowned. "What?"

"Nothing. Just-you look...cute in my clothes." The way he hesitated felt like he wasn't going to say cute.

I smirked and walked up to him, my heart racing. When I turned him around and laid my hand on his chest, I felt his heart was going crazy too. "Are you sure cute was the right word?" My voice dropped down a bit and I saw on his face what it did to him. I wasn't sure what I was doing or how I knew what to do, but I let it happen.

"Don't start something you can't finish Jane." I liked the way my name sounded coming from him. Especially the way he just said it.

"When have I ever not gotten something I wanted?" He always gave me what I wanted, no matter how long it took. I started to walk away but he grabbed my face and pulled me to him. Though the action was rough, his touch was as light as a feather. I leaned forward to kiss him, but he kept enough pressure to keep me off him. I pouted. "That's not fair."

He smiled and a dimple popped out. "Just gotta humble you. Let's get dinner."

"Okay." While he was off guard I reached up and gave him a small kiss on his lips. He stood shocked. I smiled cheekily. "I told you. What I want." I opened the door and was greeted with Newt, his arm raised. Like he was about to knock. My smile has never dropped so fast. Shit. "Hey Newt."

"Hey Jane." His arm dropped and hung limp at his side. "Dinner started. Don't want you guys to be late." He walked away.

"Newt-" He didn't stop. I closed my eyes against the tears that threatened to fall.

"Jane?" I took a deep breath and turned to Nick.

"We should go to dinner."

"You don't have to feel bad." I didn't answer him. I just walked out and went down to the dinning hall. I didn't want to make it more awkward so I sat next to Minho. But Newt didn't look up the whole meal. It was like they had switched bodies. Newt sulking and Nick being all cheerful. I think it was easy for everyone to see who I chose.

I hurried through dinner and excused myself to my room. When I went in, I noticed something was missing. My running gear. I let out a long sigh. I didn't want to go to the showers right now. Especially by myself.

I thought about asking Nick, but everyone was still out there, so I should be fine. I ran down the stairs and out the homestead, making for the showers. I was glad that it had cooled down considerably, so I wouldn't sweat in my new set of clothes yet. I grabbed my gear and ran back to the homestead. I was panting when I was about halfway there so I stopped.

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