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Suggested listening: ATEEZ - Better

Eun-jung sat on her bed, sadly looking at her silent phone. She left yet another message in Katashi's answering service.

-Katashi, it's me again... please, call me back. I know you're scared. In a whole other way, I am too. I need to talk to you. To explain, as absurd it all may sound. Please, give me a chance.

She knew if she could talk to him, then she could get through with her friends as well. But of course, things were complicated, and her boyfriend was still scarred by the Devil experience he suddenly had to encounter the day before. Jin said to give him time, but she had the other father's patience - none, and that didn't run in her favour. She had already left five messages before this one, and had received no answers to them up until that moment. Until the phone finally rang.



-I thought you would never call me back.

-I thought so too.

-I... I want to explain.

-How can you?

-I can. But you must be willing to listen.

-I am all ears.

-I don't want to do this on the phone, Katashi. Please, come over.

-I don't know...

-This involves my fathers too. You have to listen to them as well. It's important that you do. You will be safe here, I promise.

-Will I? I don't know anything anymore, Eun-jung. Not even who you are.

-You will, and I know you will understand. Will you let papa Jin pick you up?

There was a long, wearying silence.

-Okay. I'll be ready in half an hour.

-Thanks, Katashi.

He closed the phone call without any further word. But it was still a win, Eun-jung thought. She went to Jin to explain the situation and asked him to pick Katashi up, and he agreed. He knew how important this was to his daughter, and he also knew the discussion would mean opening up about the Devil Gene to the boy, revealing that he had it in him, too. It didn't make him too comfortable, but if it meant helping Eun-jung out, he would do it gladly. When it was time, he hopped on his car and he drove to Katashi's house. The boy was already waiting outside.

-Good afternoon, sir.

-Good afternoon. And it's Jin, you know that.

-I know. It's just... this situation...

-I understand it isn't easy, Katashi. But I trust your heart.

-How long have you known about Eun-jung?

-All her life, of course. She's always been... special.

-But I thought you only came in the picture a bunch of years ago?

-I don't want to explain too much before she does. Let's save the discussion for later, shall we?

-I guess. But I'm confused.

-You won't be after she talks to you. She's in good faith and wants to be as honest as it comes. Please, don't doubt anything she says, as strange as it may sound. She's anything but a liar.

Katashi didn't reply, and looked silently out of the car window for the rest of the trip. When they arrived and stood in front of the main door, he took a big breath before stepping into the house. Eun-jung was sitting on the sofa, waiting for him to arrive. He bowed to Hwoarang, who was eating some fruit in the kitchen, and sat on the armchair.

-Katashi, thanks for coming. I know this isn't easy for you.

-Please, do tell. I really don't know how you are going to explain... that.

Eun-jung sighed, then proceeded to tell her story. -I wasn't born like that. I was a normal baby, born of papa Hwoarang and a mean, difficult woman. She died shortly after, so Jin and Hwoarang took me in.

-I'm already lost. If it's sixteen, almost seventeen years ago, and Jin only came in Hwoarang's life some years ago... how can the math work?

-Because I wasn't born seventeen years ago. I was born only a couple of years ago. Don't look at me like that and let me explain. When I was a toddler, Jin was carrying me around and my papas were having a stroll in the woods. What seemed a random hunter, then revealed to be a sniper paid by Jin's grandfather, Heihachi, shot me instead of Jin. They rushed me to a hospital, but I was beyond help. I was dying. And here comes the Devil. Papa Jin has inherited a special Devil Gene from his father Kazuya, which grants him special powers. First of all, he can transform into a Devil, just like I did. Second and more importantly, the Gene gives him outstanding preservation abilities. He was once shot by his grandfather and survived. So, he thought the Gene could save me. And it did. He injected me with his blood, and the Devil Gene repaired my damaged arteries, veins and tissues so that I could survive. The downside was, I grew up much faster than a normal baby, because the Gene wanted an adult host to live in. In a matter of weeks, I was a teenager. Then, I stopped growing abnormally and started my natural growing cycle. The problem is, Jin has now complete control over his Devil, after many years of trials. I do not. And it has the unfunny habit of coming out when I'm at my happiest. There. This is my whole story. If you have questions, now is the time.

-...if I have questions? You just told me the most twisted story I've ever heard, with Devil blood and you being born three years ago, and you ask me... if I have questions?

-I swear all of it is true, Katashi, why would I lie to you? After what you've seen of me?

-I have no idea, but you really expect me to...

Jin suddenly appeared, put a hand on Katashi's shoulder, and in what seemed to be a fraction of a second he turned into his Devil form. The boy startled and opened his eyes wide at the sight.

-Do you believe her now?- he said, with his demonic voice.

-J-Jin... you too?

He turned back to his human form, not to scare Katashi too much. -Yes, just as she said. Everything is as she said. Just as I told you in the car. You have no reason not to believe her.

Hwoarang arrived, almost laughing under his nose.

-Y-you... you are human, right?

-As human as it gets, kiddo. The only one in the family, so that I almost feel out of place sometimes. But you get used to it, Devils and all.

-How do you do it?

He shrugged. -I just do. They're my family, I wouldn't do it any other way. Besides, you can be an asset to their self-control. They usually can control themselves better if someone they love is at stake. Didn't Eun-jung stop when she hurt you the first time?

-Yeah... she scratched me and then she turned back.

-That's what I'm talking about. They turn, but they're still in there. They have to fight for control, though. It's no easy task, I suppose. But eventually, they succeed. Now, tell me. You are in love with my daughter, right?

-Well, yeah...

-This is the first real difficulty you encounter with her. Would you rather be remembered like the one who abandoned her because he found out she was more difficult than expected, or maybe go on and fight for her because you love her? If you don't want to, it's fine, it just means you never did love her for real in the first place.

-Hey, it's not true.

-Then, fight. Or it never meant nothing to you.

Katashi looked at his feet, fists clenched. He had stood up without even noticing at Hwoarang's words. He went to Eun-jung, sat beside her.

-Nabi. Tell me... how can I help you?

Eun-jung's face lightened up and the purest smile appeared. Jin and Hwoarang both silently moved away, leaving the two teens alone.

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