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Suggested listening: System of a Down - Soldier Side

-Please, remember what I told you yesterday.

-Of course I do. Don't worry, I can take care of myself.

-That, I know. But what I forgot to add is, don't think about the others. Only think about yourself.

-Well, if I can save a life or two in the process...

-Jin, don't. If you start thinking like that, you will also start damning yourself for the lives you weren't able to save.

-Are you in my head?

-No, but I know you and I know your soul. The soldier life is not for you, just as it's not made for me, just for different reasons. But I can see you hurting already, if you follow down that path.

-I have to live this my way, though. I can't force myself to be someone I'm not.

-You're already doing that by being a soldier.

-Exactly. I can't behave like someone else, too. Hwoarang, trust me, I know it may sound stupid, but I need to be me in this.

-You do you. I was only suggesting a way of surviving that, knowing the environment you're going to be in.

-I know you're trying to help and that it comes from your heart. Thank you, love. I'll be fine. I hope. I'll be back home before you know it.

-I didn't have anyone waiting for my return when I was in the military. Consider yourself lucky.

-I do. Now give me a kiss.

The two kissed sweetly for a while; then, Jin smiled gently at Hwoarang, caressing his cheek, and headed for the main door.

-One more thing!


-Don't think about us when you're there. Me and Eun-jung, I mean. When you're in a mission, you're a machine. And you must work that way. If you hesitate, you're as good as dead. You're a Devil, you will be a flying target. You can't afford to be distracted. Promise you'll forget about your family when you're out there. Okay?

-Easier said than done. But I'll try. Thanks. I must go now.

The door closed behind him.

On his way to the headquarters, Jin gave much thought to Hwoarang's words, all of them. Despite the self-confidence he wanted to show his man, he was actually already doubting his choice to remain himself during his forced service. He knew military life didn't suit him, and he also knew he was undoubtedly more human than Devil in his soul, which would render his soldier life difficult and harsher. Of course he hadn't had an easy life and he had thick skin, but he also had a kind heart. Anyway, he had arrived. Tick tock, Jin.

The base swarmed with soldiers, but the Japanese still had to pick his uniform up; or would he be assigned one during the briefing? He didn't know the first thing about all this. He was still and looking around, lost, when a low, bass voice spoke to him in imperative tone.

-Kazama-Seong Jin?

-That's me, sir.

-You're here early. Follow me, I'll show you your division. I'm your Sergeant. Sergeant Sugiyama. There will be no special treatment for you because of your social status nor because of your... nature.

-I expected none.

-Good. Now, down those stairs you will find your comrade in arms. The part that's already here, at least. I will return in twenty minutes and I will explain the mission, then we will depart for the target location.

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