A Better Life

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Suggested listening: Ozzy Osbourne - See You On The Other Side

Trigger warning: graphic depiction of death. Reader discretion is advised.

Jin was religiously folding his uniform when Haruo drew near in civilian clothes as well.

-So? How was your first mission? Not so bad, huh? It could have been worse.

-Could have been better, too.

-What are you talking about? No one died, no one had major injuries, and in large part that is thanks to you. We should be celebrating. We could go out for a beer. First round's on me.

-I don't feel like celebrating. Besides, I just want to go home to my family.

-I really don't get you, Jin. But if you want to talk, you know where to find me.

-Thanks, Haruo. Take care of yourself.

-Same here, Devil Boy.

The two shook hands and Jin smiled faintly. He just wanted out of the base as soon as possible. And so he did. Hwoarang was already waiting outside on his bike for him. He lightened up when Jin came out of the main entrance. He hopped off his chopper and went to him, kissing him with his usual passion.

-Love... this might not be the best place to...

-Let them talk, do you really care? They already know anyway.

-True. But they didn't know how handsome you are.

Hwoarang smirked and kissed Jin again under half the base's stares.

-Now, let's go home. I'd like to take this conversation elsewhere.

They both mounted on the motorcycle and before Jin could say "Don't speed", the redhead was already breaking two or three speed limits. That brought them home far before the Japanese thought, though it didn't make him happier than he already was feeling. But he didn't say anything, because he knew it was a pointless discussion to have.

-Home. Did you miss it?

-You don't know how much.

-No, I don't. When I was serving, I didn't have anyone to wait for me, so home was a rather void concept. But I did desert to join the Tournament and fight against someone, though...

-Oh, don't I remember. All that trouble and we didn't even match up.

-At least I tried. And I was still in that cute phase where I thought you were my arch enemy. My rival. As if. All that fuss just for a rematch? I should have known better.

-You weren't ready. I wasn't, either.

-Yeah. But now, tell me everything. How did your first mission go?

-Well... in a way, my being there probably saved some lives and prevented some serious injuries. So you could say it was good. On the other hand, the Sergeant... he made me do something I will never be okay with, and it will probably haunt me in my dreams for a while.

-What happened?

-There were some enemy survivors. Unconscious. I suggested taking them as prisoners for intel... the Sergeant had me kill them all.


-It was wrong, Hwoarang. They might have been terrorists, but they were people. They may have switched to our side, if we had talked to them instead. Some of them were so young...

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