Hana, Dul, Set

23 3 6

Suggested listening: Chung Ha - Killing Me

-I'm telling you they don't have a damn idea how to go about this case.

-Based on what? A two-minute long conversation with Judge Sato?

-It was enough. He doesn't know anything about Devils and such, and they asked for an extension. Why would they do that if their case was so solid? They can't go in the Courthouse and say my husband and daughter are demons. They want to change the narrative, but the proof that they have don't allow them to. We can actually win this and we can start by asking that Eun-jung be released from solitary. She can only be seen as harmful because of those videos... which they don't want to use now. Maybe we can even ask for bail.

-Slow down, Mr. Kazama-Seong. It's not that easy. But we can try. We will submit our request for solitary release first thing today. We start from there, then we can see what we can do.

-What about Jin? Remember it's him who pays your fee, Mr. Shikichi.

-And in his absence, it's you, Hwoarang.

-Ah, ssibal. You get what I mean.

-No need to go full Korean on me. Anyways, I was able to obtain a phone call with Mr. Kazama-Seong yesterday, as his lawyer. He's doing fine, and his PTSD is acting low, for the moment. Of course, that's not what I will say when I sue the prosecution for calumny and damage compensation.

-Can we think about the present for a moment? I'm glad you're already ahead of our time with your planning, but I would like Jin and Eun-jung to be out of prison as soon as possible and before anything else, thank you very much.

-All right, I will update you on our request for Eun-jung. When we have the verdict on that, we will take action on the bails.

-Attaboy. Keep me posted.

Waiting. More waiting. If there was something Hwoarang wasn't good at, it was waiting. He would rather run a marathon than stay put and do nothing. But there was nothing he could do, nothing he could say to speed things up, or help them go his way. He could only... wait.

And wait he did. Until, two days after, Mr. Shikichi called him back with some news.

-Good evening, Mr. Kazama-Seong.

-Cut the crap already, what did the Judge say?

-...and good evening to me as well. Apparently, the prosecution failed to provide any proof of Eun-Jun's alleged peril to others, so they released her immediately from solitary confinement.

-This is a huge relief. I can finally write to her too. And you can call her.

-I already did. She's... a bit shaken, to say the least, but she's holding on. She's tough, just as her dads. She's looking forward to your letters.

-I will write her one today. So, now, technically, we can work on their release on bail, right?

-It won't be as easy, mind you. Even without pressing evidence, this is still a double murder case. Forget for a moment that the persons of interest are your relatives. Would you like the State to release potential murderers so easily?

-I suppose not.

-Exactly. That's why it's nearly impossible that they cut them loose on bail. I can try, and I will. But I can't promise you anything this time.

-I understand. Thank you for all your work, Mr. Shikichi.

-It's a pleasure working for you, Mr. Kazama-Seong. My list of foreign curse words has improved significantly since we first met.

Hwoarang laughed. -Yeah, whatever. Let me know as soon as you have news.

The Korean immediately started working on his letter to Eun-jung, knowing all to well he couldn't say everything he wanted to, but still grateful to have this window of opportunity to connect with his gongju who was finally out of solitary.

"My gongju, I have done everything I could to release you from your confinement, and I feel like I have failed you for how much time it took me to finally succeed. I cannot imagine how you must feel right now, and I wish I could hold you in my arms and tell you it will be all right. I swear it will be. You have to hold on a little bit longer. Your father is doing fine, considering, and I am working for you both with Mr. Shikichi. I will never rest until you will be free. Remember what I used to tell you when you were little. When you feel alone, close your eyes and count to three; you will see me there, waiting for you. Hana, dul, set..."

He put the letter on the kitchen table, ready to be given to the guard the day after; it was way too late now. He would consign it first thing in the morning. For now, the only thing he could do was going to sleep, and hope for a night without dreams.


The days passed by and Hwoarang wrote back and forth both to Jin and Eun-jung. He didn't hear back from Mr. Shikichi, until one, very windy day.

-Mr. Kazama-Seong. I have news.

-Why I don't like that tone?

-They have denied bail both for Jin and Eun-jung. I did everything I could.


-This one is new. Anyway, the good news is, we finally have a starting date for the trial: next week, on Monday. The prosecution has finally made his mind up, it seems. Also, I might have posted an injunction about them being too late with their case, and that if they didn't turn up with an actual one in ten days, I would file for closing the case.

-Well done. You put them in a corner, and they might have rushed things without having a strong case against us. This is good. Next Monday. I will be allowed in, yes?

-Of course, and you might have to give your testimony as well. But this remains to be seen. In the meantime, practice your patience, Mr. Kazama-Seong. I know it isn't your strong suit, but it will be useful in Court.

-Thanks for reminding me, mom. See you.

After three, long weeks, he would finally see Jin and Eun-jung again, even though in a Courtroom and in front of a Judge. But actually seeing their faces, looking into their eyes would be the most daring dream... until they hopefully returned home.

The Burning LivesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin