Pay Our Debt

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Suggested listening: Alice In Chains - Over Now

Since her return home, Eun-jung started training intensely with her fathers, and meditating with Jin as well. She decided she needed more control of her emotions to be able to drive her Devil away if she wanted to. At the same time, she knew blocking out anything wouldn't work and would only turn against her. She focused on that and finally succeeded in finding her Devil on command and shutting it down when no longer needed most of the times.

-I can't believe I can do it, papa. It feels... so empowering. Is it like that for you too? To control it as you wish?

-It was comforting to know I wasn't going to hurt Hwoarang any longer, or anyone else for that matter. I was so afraid to put other people in danger with my powers. But you should worry about yourself, too. You're going to be in a new mission soon, and your Devil is power ridden. It craves blood and adrenaline, and war is just what it needs. You have to hold it in check. You have improved greatly, but that doesn't mean it will be an easy task. Understood?

-Yes, papa. I will do my best.

More practice and meditation came in the following day, and Eun-jung trained relentlessly. Until one morning, the call from the base came and she had to prepare for her next mission, due in less than a week. Although she was physically ready, the restlessness hovered above her mercilessly. Her father encouraged her to believe in the progresses she had made, but still she feared she would give in to her Devil. Jin and Hwoarang drove her to the military base on the day the mission had to start, and Shibata was already waiting for her to arrive. They wanted to talk to him, to let him know about her training, but there was no time and no way to catch him alone either. She would have to tell him herself, or rather, show him.

-Papa, I'm scared.

-It's natural, hime. Don't fight it, embrace it. Fear is part of you, too. It's healthy. Remember to believe in what you've learnt during your practice and in who you are, always. We root for you, my precious. We will be with you in spirit.

-I know. I will keep you with me. You will be my strength. Now, go. I can't keep you here. I need to change in my uniform, too. Time's up. I love you.

-We love you, gongju. It will be fine, I know it. Just keep it up.

Eun-jung disappeared from their gaze, and they walked away to their car.

-She will be okay, Jin. I know it in my heart.

-I truly hope you're right. We trained her body and soul hard. We couldn't have done more.

-No, we couldn't. Now let's go home and have a walk in the forest, shall we? To clear our minds.

-I like your thinking, love.

But it wasn't ten minutes into their drive that Hwoarang's cellphone started ringing. Unknown number.

-Who is this?

-Blood Talon. Forgive the lack of presentation, but one has to preserve his privacy.

-Chan-yeol. I suppose this isn't a pleasant call.

-I'm not inviting you to my wedding, boss. I'm afraid I'm collecting my debt.

-Figures. Just tell me what you need.

-Not over the phone, no. Meet me tonight in Shibuya, at Miyashita Park. Let's make it 10 pm. Does it work for you?


-Bring Jin to the party.

Chan-yeol hung up and Hwoarang sighed. He knew that moment was coming sooner or later, but he still didn't know what to expect from his former brother in arms. It could be small, it could be huge. Either way, he knew he wouldn't like it. Nor would Jin.

-Did he tell you what he wants?

-No. We will have to meet him tonight.

-Such a beautiful way to spend the evening.

The rest of the drive was rather silent, and so was the day, although they did try to stay positive and stick together, no matter the circumstances. But Eun-jung's absence and the waiting for Chan-yeol's request took a toll on their spirit. Then, it was time to prepare and meet the biker in Shibuya as agreed, and so they hopped on the car once again.

-Jin, whatever he asks, whatever happens, remember we are in his debt. He has the right to whichever requests he likes.

-That doesn't mean I can't beat him up for that if he crosses a line.

-Yeah, well, I can't blame you, if you do. But, still, we're going to keep our word. He brought our Eun-jung back safe and sound when he could have harmed her easily for revenge instead.

-I know. I just... have a bad feeling about this.

Hwoarang put his hand above Jin's and smiled softly.

-We'll make it, as we always do.

They parked the sedan and walked towards Chan-yeol, who was already waiting at Miyashita Park. He was sitting on a bench, and it was quite strange to see him on something different than his bike. When he saw Hwoarang and Jin, he greeted them.

-I knew you would show up. You're men of your word. Here, have a sit.

-I would rather stand.

Chan-yeol laughed. -Jin, you're always so stiff. Loosen up a bit, we're friends, after all.

-No, we are not. We owe you, and that's the sole reason why we're here. Let's cut it short and tell us why we're here.

-So rude, Talon. But you were never famous for your kindness, were you. Without further ado. As you know, we've moved from the centre of Tokyo after you beat our asses. We regrouped in Kawasaki and claimed the Miyamae district. Shortly after, though, a rival gang started challenging us from Nakahara. They even did raids and we put up with them, until... until one of them went awfully wrong. We lost one of our men last week. And we need to retaliate. This is where you come in handy. We could use both your expertise and kicks, Talon, and your Devil blood, Jin. We are strong, but this group is bigger than us. We cannot do this alone. We need you.

-So what you're asking of us is to slaughter those men?

-It's not like they're innocent. And I'm not planning to kill them all. Just to give them a lesson. Give them a free stay at the grand hospital, so to speak. If someone gets killed in the process, I won't complain.

-We don't get to choose, do we?

-You could always say no, Talon. But you gave me your word. You never failed to fulfill a promise before. I'd be surprised if you did now.

Jin and Hwoarang exchanged glances. Jin tilted his head slowly, then closing his eyes.

-I won't. You gave us our daughter back. We will help you now. But we won't kill anybody. If you choose to pile up a body count, that's on you. There won't be one on our part.

-It's only fair. I will give you a call with a time and place when the mission is set up. You will be summoned then.

The three shook hands in turn, then went separate ways. 

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