Endless Fall

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Suggested listening: ATEEZ - Turbulence

No one in the Courtroom could believe what just happened. A Judge completely overthrowing the jury's sentence was rare, especially if capital punishment was involved. Hwoarang, despite wanting to crush the world under his feet, couldn't move a muscle. He was frozen, in disbelief. Mr. Shikichi himself was left speechless, quite a thing for a lawyer. Even the prosecution looked shaken: they wanted to finally get their claws on the infamous Jin Kazama, they never intended to send a teenager to her death. She was merely leverage, but she got caught in a whirlwind of their own making.

The two prisoners were dragged out of their bench, the loud crash of their shackles the only sound in the room; both of them turned their heads to meet Hwoarang's eye, who looked at them crying painfully.


-Love. Don't cry. It was our faith. I love you.

-No! No! This isn't your faith! I will save you, you hear me? I will find a way!

But his last words were muffled by the distance: they were already out the door with the guards bringing them to their new cells in Death Row.


-Hwoarang, we're still in Court. I advise you...

-You better don't advise jackshit. Look where your last advice brought my daughter. You said it was for the best, now she's gonna get fucking killed. What makes you think I won't do the same to you?

-Because then, you will end up in Death Row too.

-And what do I fucking care? My whole family is up for hanging. I will end up alone, all that I care about dead and destroyed. I might as well be dead, too. But only after you, you piece of shit.

-What if I told you we might have a chance at saving them?

-How? The case is closed.

-We still can appeal the sentence.

-With what? We don't have squat.

-Let's go talk outside.

They went out not only the Courtroom, but the whole building altogether.

-What's with the secrecy?

-What if the prosecution didn't have anything either?

-But they do. They have the videos. They're the very reason why the Judge convicted them.

-Yes, but did they show them in court?

-...no. Only the Kazuya ones. They didn't show the dojo ones...

-...because there was Jin's confession already, and Eun-jung's afterwards. For all we know, they might not exist.

-Ssibal, but they fucking do!

-...for now.

-Let's get things fucking straight, Masashi. I'm tired of games.

-I'm saying, we destroy those videos.

-Are you out of your mind? It's the UN we're talking about. Massive defense system, plus they will have multiple copies of them god knows where. And if I get caught, it will be a huge pain in the ass.

-Weren't you the one with a death wish? I'm giving you an opportunity, with a slight chance of success to save your family. Besides, you were Spec Ops. This should be a walk in the park for you.

-Yeah, a park with claymore mines in it.

-So, are you in, or are you out?

-Of course I'm fucking in, who do you think I am?

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