Lay These Ghosts To Rest

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Suggested listening: Laura Welsh - Ghosts

-...and this is how I was attacked by a goose.

-Haruo, you're making me cry. Out of laughter, I mean. Even Jin is laughing, which is quite rare, I tell you. Eun-jung, don't spit your food, eh.

-I'm not. But It was difficult not to. Papa, you choose your friends very carefully and greatly, I see. It's good to have you home, Uchida-san.

-Please, sweet Eun-jung, call me Haruo. Hwoarang, want to follow me with a beer? I brought some.

-Actually, I...

-Don't be shy, I did it with my heart, because I wanted to.

-No, no, I know. It's just that... I'm a recovering alcoholic. I don't drink. Sorry.

-No need to be sorry. I'm the one to be sorry, I should have asked first if it was okay. Man, do I feel stupid now. Forgive my frivolousness.

-It's okay, you couldn't have known. It's not exactly conversation material.

-Well, me and Jin did have some unconventional discussions back there. But you probably know what I'm saying, right?

-What are you talking about?

-Haruo, I didn't...

-You didn't tell him?

-Tell me what?

-I didn't think it was essential to depict you. And I promised you not to.

-Oh, Jin. It's your husband. Of course I thought you would tell him

-Can someone tell me what is going on, please?

-Don't get nervous, Hwoarang. No big secret. I'm gay, too. But no one in the military knows.

-Oh. Well, I get why you don't want them to find out about it. They surely won't from us.

-That's why I told you both - you three, actually. You have a good heart, it shows. And you have suffered enough for who you are; you would never harm someone else. I'm happy you were able to build your own family, for real. I don't have that kind of courage.

-Maybe one day you will. I wasn't always this open and deadset. It took time.

-Yeah, well. Talking about time, it's kind of late. I should go. Thanks for the Korean lunch, I loved it. Indeed spicy. Jin, don't be a stranger. Maybe we could make this a recurring event, if you'd like.

-Yes, I'd love that. See you in a couple of weeks?

-Sold. And I swear I won't bring alcohol next time.

-Good idea. Thanks, Haruo. It was great to see you.

-Anything for a friend. Till next time, Devil Boy.

Jin closed the door behind him, smiling. Yes, it felt good to call someone new "a friend". He went back to the dining room, where Eun-jung and Hwoarang were joking and laughing.

-Have I lost something important?

-Nah. We were still talking about that goose. Amazing story. I like Haruo, Jin. I think he can be great for you and your health. I'm glad you found each other.

-He found me, actually. I was in a corner, talking to no one, and he popped up, asking questions and chatting about anything. I was quite overwhelmed.

-I can picture the scene quite perfectly. Especially you being the dark loner in a corner.

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