The Spoils Of War

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Suggested listening: Ex Deo - The Spoils Of War

The morning of her first mission, Eun-jung couldn't wait any longer to get into her uniform and start her soldier life. Hwoarang and Jin couldn't be more puzzled. How could a eighteen year old teenager desire war that much, with this intensity? And why? It went against everything they ever taught her, anything she stood for. She was a mystery, and she wouldn't talk about it. They could only accept it and pray she wouldn't get hurt in the process.

-Hime, promise us you'll be careful, even though you want to do this. Don't be reckless.

-Papa, I'm just eager, not stupid. I already did once, I'm not willing to repeat the experience.

-Good. You're stronger than the others, but not invincible. And you're still not able to control your Devil at will.

-I know. No need to remind me. Can I just go now? I don't want to be late.

-Gongju... respect your superiors, but respect yourself and your boundaries as well. If you feel something is too much for you, don't do it. We'd rather deal with disobedience than trauma.

Eun-jung sighed and rolled her eyes, then kissed Hwoarang on the forehead as he was kneeled before her. -I will be okay. I promise. I'll call you as soon as I can. Be well while I'm gone.

She hugged and kissed Jin as well, then turned around and entered the base. She felt like she was on her first day of school, except the uniforms were a little less cute. As she was told to, she went to the info box and asked for her special one, just like Jin's, one which would adapt to her Devil form as well. She was so excited to try it on, she immediately went to the bathroom and wore it. She also had a small backpack with the necessary for the missions. She was instructed to wait for Sergeant Shibata, who would gather all the soldiers and explain all the where and when.


-Yes, sir.

-I'm Sergeant Shibata. Follow me.

She was escorted to another room where all the other comrades were waiting. They were all men, all between eighteen and aroung thirty years old, many showing scars of previous battles on their faces and bodies. They all started murmuring when Eun-jung passed the door, some because they knew who she was, and some because she was a woman who looked too frail and cute to be there.

-Quiet. There will be no whispering in my force. This is Kazama-Seong Eun-jung. She was sentenced to serve her country. Special powers dwell in this little body, powers which will be of great use to the military. As they say, do not judge a book by its cover. Learn to know your comrades and they will become one of your strengths. If you fear them or doubt them, it will be your weakness. Understood?

-Yes, sir.

-Good. Our mission will be quite a routine one. We have to scout an old battle zone at the border and secure its limits. Remember, we are not at war and we should not engage with any dubious people present at the site. Any movement you report to me. We leave in twenty minutes.

The soldiers were left alone and Eun-jung could feel their eyes all on her. She smirked at their curiosity, then smiled at them openly to let them know she was ready to answer anything.

-Is it... is it true you murdered your grandfather?

-Good morning to you too. Would it be any different if I did? I think you all knew Mishima Heihachi anyway. Wasn't much of a man.

-Can you really transform into a Devil? How is that possible?

-It's because of a mutated gene which was handed down to me by one of my fathers, Kazama Jin. Whom you probably also know. It makes me stronger than I look, faster than you think, and considerably more resistant to firepower, hits in general, and with a good kick of luck, it can bring me back from the verge of death, like it did in my trial. But it's not sealed in gold, so I wouldn't count on that too much. I think this is all. No, I still study, I have a darling boyfriend named Katashi, two amazing dads who can murder you in your sleep, and contrary to what you might think, I'm actually happy to be here. Can't wait to be on the field. I'd like to know you guys more, as the Sergeant said. Now I'm done.

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