Like This

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Suggested listening: NMIXX - Love Me Like This

The ride home wasn't as quiet as Eun-jung hoped it would be. Chan-yeol kept on asking questions she wasn't comfortable with, or wasn't ready to confront yet.

-I don't know about Kazama, but the Blood Talon doesn't strike me as the bad father type. Strict maybe, but not bad. Why would you run away in the first place?

-I didn't run away from them. I ran away for them. That's quite the difference. I was sheltering them... from myself.

-Ah! You must be quite the trouble maker, just like him, but nothing they cannot handle. Dramatic much, kiddo?

-Stop asking questions you don't want answers to, Chan-yeol. I told you the truth and I don't even know why. It was hard enough to do it for me, and it's equally hard for me to go back home now, so, please stop making it even harder with your judging nonsense.

-I'm not judging, I'm making a point. Your parents are tough, tougher than you make them, apparently. I only know one of them good enough to know they wouldn't give up on you.

-I know that. It's me, I am giving up on me.

-Fair enough. We're at your place, anyway. Be prepared for a shitshow, they must be out of their minds.

Chan-yeol rang the doorbell, and judging from Jin's face, they weren't expecting any visit. Judging from his next look, he wasn't really eager to see him, either.

-What are you doing here? I thought we made it clear you had to stay away from Tokyo, and us.

-Even though I have your precious child, Kazama?

-You what?!

Eun-jung stepped forward and Jin fell on his knees, too week to stand. He hugged her tight and almost started shaking.

-Hime, I was so scared! We thought we lost you this time. Where were you? Why did you go away? Did we do or say anything wrong? Because if we did...

-Papa, please. You did nothing, nothing to make me run. It was all me. No, it was the Devil's fault. I can't control it, papa, I really can't, no matter how hard I try, and I keep on hurting people and making mistakes, huge ones, and the day I can no longer sustain the outcome of my actions has come. I ran away to save at least the two of you from myself. I wanted to live as an outcast for the rest of my life. I couldn't even do that, I didn't last a day. That's how much of a failure I am.

Hwoarang arrived soon enough to hear her explanation and avoid killing Chan-yeol on the spot. He shook his head and lightly put his hand on Eun-jung's shoulder. He looked her right in the eyes and talked with a broken voice.

-You will never be a failure, it doesn't matter what you do or don't. You were imposed your faith by us, to save you from certain death when you were just a toddler. You had no choice in the matter, and you don't have a choice now. It doesn't depend on you, it's in your blood, it's who you are. You keep on saying Jin can control his Devil, but you forget it took him more than twenty years to do so. You're younger than that, and you already can do a great deal with it. Don't give up now. It's difficult, and it's humbling, and yes, sadly, people can get hurt in the process. But I have no doubt whatsoever you will be able to master it, sooner or later. Please, gongju, let us help. Let us support you. Let us be by your side. Please.

Eun-jung started crying. She fell in the arms of both her fathers, and stayed there for minutes and minutes until she was able to calm down, sobbing. Jin stroke her hair sweetly with one hand, while Hwoarang took one step ahead, towards the standing biker.

-Chan-yeol. I hate to admit it, but I owe you, big time. I don't know how you convinced my daughter to come back, but... thank you.

-This is one hell of a moment. The Blood Talon thanks me and is in my debt. I will think carefully about how to use this. The how is, strength in numbers, as it's always been. She was tired and alone. No match. And I think, deep down, she wanted to come home.

-The Hawks must be missing you, now. Time to ride back.

-I won't stay, don't worry. I have places to be. Be well. Until we meet again.

He took off, and the three were left alone. They went into the house, and they sat down in the living room, together, to talk about all the things they couldn't discuss before Eun-jun ran away.

-Hime, we talked to Shibata. He told us what happened, but, we'd like to hear it from you, or rather, we'd like to hear what it was like for you

-Papa... that was the worst part for me. Because the whole situation, it wasn't embarrassing nor difficult, it was... exciting, for me. Chasing the enemy, fighting him, the thrill of the fight, the risk. My blood was boiling and I felt alive as I had never felt before. The more I was into the action, the more I felt a spark of electricity inside of me. That's why I couldn't stop the Devil. It was feeding it. I couldn't help it. The more I moved, the more it fed. The more it fed, the more I acted. Until my mind was completely lost to it and its will. When Shibata came to me, I wasn't myself anymore, I was nowhere to be found.

-Eun-jung, it was the first mission for you. Your first assignment as a soldier. You were eager to start and participate even as yourself, it doesn't surprise me the Devil took over. It must have been overwhelming for you, especially with a liability as a kamikaze. You mustn't be too hard on yourself. You will learn from this. You will slowly take control of your emotions and your Devil, just as I did. I didn't even remember what I had done when I was turned, you can, that's already a big difference. I'm positive it won't take you long to master it.

-Thank you, papa. I hope you are right. But how do I talk with Shibata after what I've done? I threatened him.

-He knows you were not yourself. He still wants to work with you. He's not scared of you, and knows he can deal with your Devil if need be. Just be grateful to him and do your best.

-Gongju, there's something else I would like you to take care of, tomorrow.

-What, papa? Anything.

-Katashi. He will never tell you because he doesn't want you to feel pressured. But he was scared as hell today, and he misses you greatly, anyway. I really think you should spend the day with him.

-But you two...

-We're not going anywhere. Take care of your boyfriend. I mean it.

And so, the next day, a deeply worried Katashi arrived at the front door. When Eun-jung opened, she threw herself at him. They hugged for what seemed like an eternity - with much joy of the two staring fathers. The teenagers took their affairs outside, in the garden.

-Nabi... I thought... I feared... you...

-I am so sorry, Katashi. I thought I was saving everyone from myself, but it turns out I was hurting them more. I didn't want to, but I did. Tell me what I can do to make this right.

-Nothing. Just stay with me, by my side, promise me you won't leave again. My heart can't take it. I need you. 

-I'll stay. Whatever happens, I promise, I'm staying. For good. You won't get rid of me that easily.

-I like this threat. I'll take it literally. You will have to repeat it to the others as well, though.

-Oh, I will. I call milkshake afternoon tomorrow. It's been too long. I've been a bad friend and a bad girlfriend, too. But I will try to redeem myself. I will do my best.

The silhouettes of the two lovebirds against the colorful flowers of the garden drew closer and closer, forming a shy embrace at first, then a passionate, long kiss engulfing all the distance, the worries, the troubles they faced in the last weeks.

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