Chapter 9 - [Heartbeat]

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Hello everyone!!

Just wanted to remind you that this chapter and the next two or so chapter's will be Lumyryn's POV Also Known As the history of the origins of the Lumynos Clan! HAHA!

Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to tell me what you think and don't forget to vote if you're enjoying it! =D


-Luckycharms <3


When Khi awoke the next day, Lumyryn took him out immediately to test his theory. Khi was skeptical. He had always been a little better than other people at what he did, but never to the same extent as Lumyryn.

     But Lumyryn had complete faith in him.

     And for some reason, that faith gave Khi some hope.

     Lumyryn sat with Khi in front of the abandoned home they were staying in. This home was in the middle of a dense forest so it really gave Lumyryn the environment needed to test out Khi's abilities.

     Lumyryn told Khi to close his eyes.

     And Khi did.

     He told Khi to focus. To tell him what he could hear.

     "I... I can hear my heartbeat..." the skinny boy said.

     "Try to reach farther," Lumyryn said, "try to focus outside of the forest."

     Khi shook his head immediately. "Nothing."

     Lumyryn nodded, calmly. Maybe he was pushing too far too quickly. "Okay, then try hearing my heartbeat."

     Khi's eyes opened, "well that's easy!" He said, "I can hear yours as easily as mine. You're sitting right there after all!"

     "No, no," Lumyryn said, starting to smile, "this is good. If you can hear mine at the distance we're sitting at then you're already better than an average person."

     He knew this because he had tested it out with his mother once before.

     His mother could only hear his heartbeat in complete silence, when she was sitting right in front of him. Lumyryn however, could hear her heartbeat clearly while he was outside in a stable and she was inside cooking.

     Khi hesitated, "really?"

     Lumyryn nodded, "Yes. This is good." He then turned and looked over at Mina, who was sitting a couple meters away on the porch of the home they were staying in, watching them.

     She had still said nothing to Lumyryn other than her name, but for some reason, she was curious to see what the to boys were up to. So she sat at the porch, watching them. Marv stood, holding his baby and watching them as well but Sheelah stayed inside, cooking the group a meal for lunch.

     When Lumyryn looked back at Khi, he said "try hearing her heartbeat now."

     Mina straightened up, feeling slightly violated at the thought that someone would listen to her heartbeat for an experiment.

     But when Khi looked over at her, she gave him a small smile.

     She knew just by looking at him that Khi was a very gentle boy. He looked sweet but had sad eyes and Mina could easily imagine that something horrible must have happened to him.

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