Chapter 13 - [A Mother Knows]

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Meenu sulked as she sat cross-legged on her bed. She couldn't sleep that night and she was exhausted. And on top of her exhaustion, she was upset.

     She knew Blood was mad at her and she, for whatever reason, couldn't bare the thought.

     To make everything worse, her father had returned and he didn't look too happy either.

     She knew when her father faked his smiles.

     And he had given her that fake smile when he walked through that door.

     Ever since, she’s been even more upset. Her father’s meeting with the king must have gone badly. And her future wasn’t really what bothered her… she really just didn’t like seeing her father upset.

     Later that day though, she felt a little relieved for the first time when the Mayor arrived, Blood surprisingly by his side.

     She came rushing down the stairs when she heard his voice, and though he seemed to pretend not to acknowledge her, she was still relieved to see him.

     "We have something important and urgent to discuss with you, Darien." The Mayor said when they arrived.

     Meenu's father was not in the mood to discuss anything important or urgent. But it was his duty, so he greeted them with a smile and welcomed them into the den.

     When Meenu followed, the Mayor gave Blood a look that Meenu caught.

     Blood lowered his squared shoulders and let out a sigh that no one heard.

     But then he turned and walked towards Meenu. "Come." He said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her up the staircase of her own house.

     He led her to her room and Meenu was surprised that he knew which was hers.

But then she reminded herself that Blood seemed to know everything.

     She sat down on her bed and when Knight strutted into the room, Blood closed her door.

     “I’m not allowed to hear their conversation?” She asked.

     Blood turned to face her. “It’s a confidential conversation between adults.”

     “I’m an adult.” Meenu pouted her lips.

     “I think not.” Blood said, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.

     Meenu looked at him. “You’re mad at me… for doing something stupid, aren’t you?”  

     Blood didn’t respond.

     “I was trying to help... They looked innocent so­–”

     “Of course, your intentions were righteous.” Blood said. “But you went about it a foolish way.”

     "What else could I have possibly done?" Meenu asked.

     "Leaving Knight behind was foolish." Blood said.

     "The Destynians would have gotten scared."

     "But the knights would have as well."

     Meenu looked down at her hands.

     "And you not only underestimate others, but you are too soft."

     Now she looked at him.

     "The best thing that could have been done by a stunning archer would have not been to distract them, but to shoot them down. Killing them may not always be smart but at the very least, injuring them. You are quite capable of doing something like that."

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