Chapter 32 - [Coronation]

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Seliaryn had expected there to be a punishment. Some sort of trial to question his actions. Or at the very least, he thought he would have to apologize. So he could hardly believe it when he was standing at his coronation in the throne room only two days after Dukaryns death, surrounded by all the noblemen and women of Raffyre, practically the entire Lumynos family and some Destynians.

     He stood there in front of the throne, wearing a black tunic made of rich fabric with the Lumynos family crest embroidered beautifully on the back. His trousers were also black, and tucked into his long new boots that shined better than his old boots had ever shone. His hair, which was now long enough to be pulled back into a stubby ponytail, was tied neatly earlier that morning by maids and around his waist was a belt that held his brand new, magnificent sword.

     Everyone in the room couldn't understand why the man wouldn't smile.

     In their eyes, he was about to enter the lifestyle that they all dreamed of.

     Seliaryn wasn't paying attention to the Raffyrian priest that prayed to the gods of Raffyre and asked them to protect the new king. He had done the same for Dukaryn. Clearly the gods hadn't heard his prayers.

     Besides, Seliaryn wasn’t the praying type.

     But when the throne room doors opened and everyone fell to their knees, Seliaryn's face finally showed a flash of emotion.

     He didn't bow as the head of the Lumynos clan walked into the throne room. Her long black dress had a heart shaped neckline and held a large ruby right between her breasts, where her heart would have been. And if someone couldn’t recognize her face, the ruby was a clear indicator of who she was. It was a ruby of Lumyryn after all, no one would ever find rubies of that size anywhere else in the world.

     Her heeled shoes clacked against the floor and echoed through the silenced hall because no one dared to utter a word in the presence of this woman.

     A smug smile graced her face and her long black hair danced against her back as she walked. And, as everyone cautiausly looked at her, they saw that her red eyes shined like precious rubies that were thrown into a fire.

     Beautiful, she was.

     But she was too frightening to comprehend.

     Seliaryn got down onto his knee only when she reached him, and from the corner of his eye, he could see that even is father bowed low.

     "Seliaryn the Sixth of the Lumynos clan," She said, getting straight to business. Her voice was as mighty as her image and the sound of it sent a shiver down Seliaryn's spine. "I give you my blessings and hope you will rule as a ferocious and righteous ruler."

     Seliaryn wanted to snort.

     He didn't though.

     But it almost seemed like this woman was waiting for him to do so.

     However, she continued. "Thus, I, Kiaryna, as the Chief of the Lumynos clan, Queen of Lumyryn and the protector of our red eyed people, name you the new King of Raffyre." She placed the heavy crown on Seliaryn's head, and though it had been there before, this time it felt even heavier.

     "May our Lord Lumyryn protect your soul and give you strength. And may you rule as graciously and responsibly as he had a thousand years ago."

     Lumyryn. Seliaryn thought. The last King to rule his way was Kyryn.

     And he died.

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