Bonus Chapter - [Flowers]

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Hello everyone!!

So, as you read from the title, this is a BONUS CHAPTERRR!! Hehe! I wanted to upload this so that I can thank you all for your constant support!! Please read the rest of this bolded stuff for more information! HEHE!

This chapter is basically about why Roviaryn and Maryryna got married and whether or not there was really any love between the two. So to some of you this chapter might surprise you and to other's it may not! But whatever the case, this chapter isn't exactly necessary for the story but I thought some of you might be interested in it!

I had surprisingly a lot of fun writing this so I think I'll do more bonus chapters along the way so that sometimes you won't have to wait an entire week for me to upload hehe!

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy the short love story of Maryryna and Roviaryn!! 

Take care,

Luckycharms!! <3


Maryryna spent more time in the garden of the Red Palace than anyone else that lived there. She loved the colours and loved the smell and was just always happy there.

     She sat at a bench and fiddled with one of the roses she had picked. She carefully broke the thorns off with her fingers, not wanting to use a knife because she feared damaging the rose even more than she already was.

     Thankfully for her, these roses were Lumyryn roses.

     They were roses that would never cause infections if they pricked you.

     But even still, she found herself pricking her finger.

     She frowned at her finger as the blood escaped, and before she had a chance to suck on it, a larger hand grabbed her wrist.

     "How many times do I have to tell you not to use your fingers?"

     She looked beside her and chuckled when she saw the worried Kyryn.

     The handsome man was her best friend and the King of Raffyre. He had short black hair that that he almost always kept combed neatly and small eyes that smiled when his lips did. The red of his iris' were brighter than that of any other Lumynos she knew and it might have been because he was the kindest of them all.

     Well, second to Maryryna.

     Maryryna pulled her finger away and sucked on it until the blood stopped coming out. When it did, she looked at her best friend. "Don't you have work you should be doing?"

     Kyryn chuckled and leaned back against the bench, putting his arm around Maryryna. "Sure. But it can wait, I'm tired."

     Maryryna shook her head. "It seems Raffyre has a lazy king." She said as she continued to break the thorns of the roses.

     Kyryn looked down at her roses and then up at her face. "Who have you picked these roses for?" He asked, "someone special? Surely they aren't for me? I have thirty vases of your roses sitting in my room."

     Maryryna laughed, "no, silly. They aren't for you. They're for that new knight who joined your court."

     Kyryn's eyes widened. "Lord Roviaryn?"

     Maryryna nodded. "He looks like quite the miserable man, doesn't he?"

     "Exactly," Kyryn said, "I don't think he's the type to have roses in his room."

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