Chapter 14 - [Explanations]

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When Meenu woke up the next morning, she felt the familiar warmth against her skin, knowing that Lumyryn had finally come to answer her questions.

I apologize for the delay, Lumyryn said. I had to check on Ameryna.

"Ameryna?" Meenu asked as she sat up.

Now that you understand the past, let me explain the current situation to you, he said. I need your complete attention, Meenu.

Meenu nodded. "Got it," she said. "I'm listening."

Lumyryn smiled warmly. You know well that after the Lumynos and the Raffyrians split, they lived separately for hundreds of years... however, at some point, their hearts began to grow tainted and many of the Lumynos lost track of what was taught to them by us. It was after this that the Lumynos banded together and invaded Raffyre.

Meenu nodded. Seliaryn had explained this part to her... the part where the Lumynos came to Raffyre and took over and ruled as cruel kings.

They became the Kings of Raffyre and by doing so, they were able to gain possession of this ring again... a ring that they believed was rightfully theirs. This ring was returned to our home and handed to the protectors of the our people... my descendants, Lumyryn said, and the Lumynos in Raffyre ruled cruelly until Avaryn's father took the throne and changed that. He was the first good hearted Lumynos King.

"Yes... I remember this."

Good, Lumyryn continued. However, at this time, Kiaryna had married into my family, my descendants. No one knew at the time that she was not to be trusted, however, very soon after having children with the Protector of the Clan at the time, she murdered him. She murdered him and took possession of the title.

Meenu's mouth opened in shock. She had thought that was just a rumor.

She was not pleased with they way things were changing. She believes that it is the duty of the Lumynos to keep the humans in place... to be superior to them. Thus, she gained access to this ring and I knew she was going to try and use it. Thus, with Ameryna's help, we held her back.


This ring can only be used by one person at a time. When Ameryna was a child, I made her claim the ring before her mother could. I communicated with her they way I am communicating with you now. She has played a big role in keeping all of your people safe because the only way her mother could gain access to this ring after Ameryna had claimed it would be if Ameryna gave it to her, or if Ameryna died.

"I see," Meenu nodded. "And now she gave it to me."


"But why me?" She wondered what role she had to play in this.

He smiled. Physical strength is relatively easy to develop. If someone is dedicated, than gaining strength is simple... look at you, you are an excellent example of this. You had surpassed the expectations of your friends and family a hundred fold in terms of becoming stronger.

Meenu smiled too, feeling proud.

Spirit, however, is a different story. An individual's spirit is created, molded, shaped and maintained from the day they are born. Often, however, every time a part of their personality is created, changing it becomes difficult. It hardens in its form and usually, only an extremely strong push is what it takes to change it.

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