Chapter 12 - [A Father's Regrets]

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The ride to the capital was longer then Lord Kyrus expected it to be. He assumed something had happened since the knights at the border were increased three fold and there were rumors of intruders.

     But when he crossed the border and made it into the Capitals town, all of that was pushed out of his mind.

     He went to the capital often. The Ruby City was what they called it since the Lumynos took over. Its old, original, name, Livon, was long forgotten.

     There was no reason in particular to call it the Ruby City, except for the statue of the first Lumynos in the city square that was erected when the Lumynos began their rule.

     His eyes had rubies in them. But that was all.

     Now, the Palace however, had a good reason for its name.

     The Red Palace, it was called.

     A suitable name indeed.

     Thousands were killed in that palace. The blood of thousands soaked the floors of this palace.

     And after that, the red eyed Lumynos to hold of it, and the Red Palace became their home.

     One could understand why Lord Kyrus never truly felt comfortable in that palace.

     When he arrived, he nodded his head at the man who took his horse for him and then made his way into the Red Palace.

     He was greeted by Seliaryn, who bowed low for the famous knight. "Lord Kyrus."

     "Rise, son." Lord Kyrus said. "Are you well?"

     Seliaryn nodded. "Yes, my Lord. And you?"

     "As well as a man like me can be." He smiled. "Is Meenu here?"

     "I took Meenu back to Amberdyse this morning."

     Lord Kyrus let out a laugh, surprised that the man went to Amberdyse and back so quickly. "Your horse is fast."

     Seliaryn smiled.

     "Is she well?"

     "She was relieved to be home."

     Lord Kyrus nodded. He was happy she was home.

     "Did you come to see Meenu?" Seliaryn asked.

     "No." Lord Kyrus said. "I came to speak to the king. Is he available?"

"He is busy, but I am sure he will make time to see you." Lord Seliaryn said as he started walking. "This way."

As they made their way to the the throne room, Seliaryn informed Lord Kyrus of the terrorist group that had emerged. He kept a great deal of information out, and Lord Kyrus knew it. But Lord Kyrus didn't ask for more. He took what he was told and read the rest between the lines.

     When they arrived at the throne room, the King greeted Lord Kyrus with a smile. "My Lord. Meenu has gone home, what brings you here?"

     Lord Kyrus took a breath as he walked up to the throne. He bowed in respect to the young man before he spoke. "I have a request."

     Dukaryn raised an eyebrow. "Do you?"

     Lord Kyrus watched the King for a moment.

     He noticed the scars on both sides of his face, though he pretended not to.

     It always surprised Lord Kyrus when he noticed how similar Dukaryn looked to his father.

     He just hoped Dukaryn wasn't as selfish as his father was.

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