Chapter 39 - [Complete Control]

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Avaryn had decided to return to Lady Maryryna. He had decided to do what was wise and make sure she knew exactly what Avaryn wanted to do.

     He thought that would be the right thing to do, just in case things went horribly wrong and Avaryn ended up having to fight the man.

     Lady Maryryna deserved to know the truth, and he hoped the truth would give her some peace.

     It was when he returned to her home that he noticed a couple of eyes watching him. They were Lumyryn guards of course, and Avaryn was annoyed that he didn’t notice them earlier.

     But he figured there was nothing to worry about, he would be in and out before there could be any problems.

     Lady Maryryna was still in Seliaryn’s room when Avaryn jumped through the window. She looked at him with a sad smile and Avaryn knew that she was preparing herself for horrible news.

     So Avaryn let out a breath and gave her a gentle smile. “Aunty Mary…” He walked over to her and knelt down next to her. “I’m not going to kill your husband. At least, I’m going to try not to.”

     Her eyes widened. “What…”

     “I’m going to ask him to abide to the law. I’m going to try and get him to realize the wrong he has committed.”

     Now her eyes narrowed in confusion.

     “Unfortunately… not only is he your husband but he is Seliaryn’s father… I have only recently started to mend things with Seliaryn and I don’t think killing his father is going to help that,” he said, “besides, I believe my father would have preferred this decision as well. I’m sure my father cared deeply about the man. He wouldn’t have asked him to be the Chief Advisor to the King if he didn’t, after all.”


     “But… I understand that this may be difficult… Roviaryn is a hardheaded man. So I ask that you try to snap some sense into him–”

     “I don’t think that’s going to work,” the Lady said, shaking her head. “I’ve… been trying to snap sense into him for six years–”

     “But if we want to end this peacefully then we’re going to have to try harder.”

     She looked down.

     “If you don’t try hard… then his death might be the only option. I know Roviaryn is a strong man but even if it takes my entire group of warriors… I’ll have to kill him.”

     And just as he said it, a shudder ran through his spine as the unavoidable aura of Lord Roviaryn filled the room.

     Avaryn stood up instantly and turned around, and behind him, Lady Maryryna stood up too.

     “That’s quite some confidence you’ve got, Avaryn.” Roviaryn said, the stone cold stoic look on his face. “In my own home, talking about killing me?”

     Avaryn didn’t expect this.

     Then the guards that were watching him flashed through his head and he cursed himself for his carelessness.

     Lady Mary stepped around Avaryn. “My love–”

     And Lord Roviaryn held his hand up, cutting her off.

     Almost instantly she was subdued, freezing in her spot, her shoulders dropping and her eyes looking at the ground.

     He looked at her. “You betrayed my trust.”

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