You Get A Paper Cut On Your Finger

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Wednesday: uHm WhAt Do yOu ThInK? She doesn't care. "If you keep complaining, you won't have fingers."

Enid: "awww." Puffs out her lip pouting. She gets you a bandaid and kisses the wound to make you feel better.

Xavier: Chuckles at you because he was right next to you when it happened. You were opening your textbook and the sharp edge of the paper got you. He held your hand for the rest of class to make you feel better.

Ajax: Like Xavier, he was next to you. He grabbed your finger and pressed a gentle kiss to it. Holds your hand for the rest of the day.

Tyler: 'Aw's. Gently presses a kiss to your finger then to the back of your hand before grabbing you a bandaid.

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