When You Start Crying

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Wednesday: "I want names." If yall are VERY close, she holds your hand. If someone made you cry, they better leave the fucking country. If they don't, they will have a very long excruciatingly painful lifetime.

Enid: Starts crying with you. When you're sad, she's sad. If someone did this, tells Wednesday and the bitch went missing within 2 hours. TWO. HOURS. You both end up laughing because you had to calm Enid down more than she had to you.

Xavier: Remember when I said that this man is protective? Yeah. If someone made you cry, hunts that mf down and beats the shit out of him. Comes back to you like nothing happened and cuddles you.

Ajax: So worried. Hugs you and lets you rant to him about anything. If someone made you cry, stones them.

Tyler: This mf is the Hyde. My man will hunt someone down if they made you cry. Cuddles and forehead kisses galore.

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