Bianica Catch-Up!

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(Request! Thank you for requesting!) This will be the only preferences for Bianca, she will be in future preferences tho :D)

You hug them randomly:

-She smiles and hugs back. If this was in front of her friends, she would wrap one arm around you and share a bragging look to her friends

Pick-up Lines You Use On Them + Their Reactions:

-"My lips are cold. Can you warm them?" She'd laugh before kissing you gently and then wrapping an arm around you.

You're Getting Bullied:

-Bro... she bullies them back for you. She makes them so insecure that they fear to even BREATHE in your direction.

You Cup Their Face:

-Laughs before pecking your lips and holding your hand to her face and leaning into it.

Them As Things I've Said:


You're On Your Period:

-Sweetest thing ever. She gets you everything and anything you want.

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