You Wipe Off Their Kiss

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Wednesday: Gives you the "Why tf did you do that?" look. It kind of hurt her feelings a little bit, so she gives you the silent treatment until you kiss her again.

Enid: Kisses you again and again and again.  After like the 5th kiss, she asks, "Why are you wiping off my kisses? Don't you love me?" That sentence alone made you kiss her all over her face which makes her burst into giggles.

Bianica: Gives you the most offended look you have ever seen in your whole life. "What the hell?!" You instantly regret it and kiss all over her face and neck making her smirk. "Thats right."

Xavier: Gives you a resting bitch face. "Woowww. Thanks, Y/n." You have to kiss him before he walks away and starts to give you the silent treatment.

Ajax: You hurt his feelings. Great job ya prick. 👏. You see his insecure, hurt look in his face and instantly kiss him as passionately as possible to make up for it.

Tyler: Looks like a confused golden retriever. Literally tilts his head to the side. This makes you laugh and peck his lips before walking away, making him 10x more confused than ever. "Oooookaaayy???" Follows you because you two were on a picnic date and were making your way to the spot.

Rowan: Gives you a heartbroken expression. 💔 "Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" He feels so insecure. He had to take a puff of his inhaler. Kiss him back. Or thine will be cursed. 😌🔪

Kent: Kisses you endlessly. Like this can go on for hours. *Kiss* *Wipe* *Kiss* *Wipe* This cocky mf won't stop. And yall just end up laughing after like an hour of this.

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