Chapter 1: I need to change

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TRIGGER WARNING: Eating disorder

I have been at Dmitri's house the whole summer break. He's my cousin and lives in Voronezh. I have been eating a lot more than i should have. School and ballet practice are going to start soon so i have to go home.
When i get home i can finally weigh myself and see how much i actually gained weight. I can see from the mirror that i have gotten bigger. I'm actually scared to go home, my parents clearly hate me. I have had so much fun at Dmitri's house and i don't want to go home.

*A week passed*

I'm finally home. I kinda missed St. Petersburg. My parents don't seem to care at all that i'm home now. They didn't even miss me. My parents became like this when i came out of the closet.

I went to the bathroom and pulled out the scale. My stomach dropped when i saw the numbers and i yelled.


I start to cry and think of all the stuff i have eaten. I feel so worthless. I look at myself on the mirror, i see myself like a fucking whale. I will go for a run and wish i was dead.

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