Chapter 3: I don't know what to do anymore

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TRIGGER WARNING: Eating disorder, abuse, self-harm

Ballet lesson begins.

Teacher: On the barre!

*2 hours later*

Teacher: You have put on a lot of weight! I can see your fat, you have to go on a diet! We have to start practicing for the nutcracker and the stage light makes you look 10 pounds heavier. You have to lose atleast 30 pounds before the performance! Did you understand?
Yuri: Да.

Some of the girls on the floor taking off their pointe shoes start giggling. Yuri is embarrassed and walks away. Yuri cries on his way back home and sees Yukov walking towards him.
Yuri doesn't know what to do and starts panicking. Yuri turns around and starts walking away from Yukov. Yukov notices it and runs to catch Yuri.

Yukov: What the hell Yuri? Why did you turn away?

Yukov notices that Yuri is crying. He takes Yuri's hand and stops him.

Yukov: Seriously tell me what' wrong, please.. We're best friends right?
Yuri: I don't want to worry you, can you just leave me alone?
Yukov: No, i'm gonna walk you home. Let's turn around.

They walk together to Yuri's place. On the doorstep Yukov hugs Yuri and tells him that he will be there if he ever needs him.


My weight's atleast dropping, Yuri thought.

*A couple of weeks passed*

It's morning, Yuri wakes up, gets up from the bed and goes to the bathroom to weigh himself. "119 pounds"

At school Yuri walks on the hallway. Yukov sees him and runs next to Yuri.

Yukov: What subject do we have now?
Yuri: Chemistry.
Yukov: Okay, do you wanna do something after school? We haven't seen in a while outside school.
Yuri: I have ballet practice.
Yukov: Again? It feels like you have them every day...
Yuri: I have ballet 5 times a week, it's not that much, stop being dramatic.

Yukov grabs Yuri's wrist. He notices how small it is, a lot smaller than he could remember.

Yukov: Holy crap! You have lost a shit ton of weight!
Yuri: No it's nothing, can you please be quiet. I don't want anyone to hear.
Yukov: But seriosly you have lost enough weight already. Please come eat with me on the lunch break, you have to eat.
Yuri: No i don't have to eat, i'm a fucking whale.
Yukov: You're literally underweight. I don't wanna lose you, please come with me!
Yuri: Don't you fucking understand? I DON'T WANT TO!

Yukov let's off Yuri's wrist. What the fuck is his problem? I'm only trying to help him, he thought.


Yuri arrived school on time. Yukov came to class late.

Yukov: Morning, are u still up to the group sleepover?
Yuri: Yeah sure.
Yukov: There will be also Lev and Katya.

After school Yuri packs his stuff and goes to Yukov's house. Lev and Katya are already there.

Katya: Long time no see Yuri!
Yuri: Yeah i guess, where's Yukov?
Lev: Yukov's in the kitchen.

Yuri walks to the kitchen and sees Yukov cooking.

Yukov: Hi Yuri! I made borscht.

Yukov walks to the kitchen table with the plates. Katya helps him. Yukov puts food on everyones plates and calls everyone to eat. Everyone sits on the table and eats food.

Katya: This is delicious!
Lev: It sure is! Yuri, why aren't you eating?
Yuri: My stomach hurts...
Yukov: Please atleast taste it!

Yuri puts a spoonful in his mouth.

Yukov: How's it tasting?
Yuri: I like it, it's good.
Yukov: Why don't you eat more then?
Lev: Yeah Yuri eat more.
Katya: Can i have another plate?
Yukov: Yeah you sure can!

Yuri eats more and starts regret coming here more and more.

Lev: Yuri do you have a crush on some of the girls at the studio? Haha
Yuri: нет.

Yuri gets up from the table and runs to the bathroom. He starts to cry. He takes his toothbrush from the backpack and makes himself throw up. Yuri passes out on the floor. Yukov hears a bang and rushes to the bathroom door.

Yukov: Yuri are you okay?

*No answer*

Yukov: YURI?!

No one answered and he starts panicking. Yukov breaks down the door and finds Yuri passed out on the floor.


I'm so sorry (yaoi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz