The Neighbor

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My mom (Shannon), brother (Kaleb), sister (Taylor), and I just moved into our new house in California.

Ever since my father died, my mom has talked about moving. We used to live in a little town in Massachusetts but now we live in this huge place and honestly I hate it.

I miss my friends and especially my girlfriend Brianna. Well ex girlfriend now. Anyways, I have always had a hard time making new friends and I know we've only been here for like 3 days but I'm so worried.

School hasn't started yet since its summer vacation but it starts next week. I have been going for walks to get my head clear and it seems to be helping.

Mom called us down for dinner, Kaleb runs down the stairs followed by Taylor and then me. Dinner is mostly silent.

"So how are you guys liking it here so far?" My mom says breaking the silence.

"I love it! Wyatt from down the street introduced me to some of his other friends and I have even more now!" Kaleb says with a mouthful of food.

I keep my eyes on my plate, obviously not wanting to answer the question.

"Uhm well pretty good, I met this girl named Aaliyah and she's pretty cool. She has five other siblings and one of them is actually famous." Taylor says.

"Thats great guys, what about you y/n?"

I scratch my head as I think of what to say without sounding like a loser.

"Well I haven't really met anyone yet since we haven't started school yet but I'll definitely meet some people there." I say pinching myself afterwards cause I know damn well I won't meet anyone.

"You should try to find a neighborhood friend like your sister and brother have. Why don't you walk around tomorrow and see if there are any girls your age that live near here." Mom says with a comforting grin.

"Mom I don't think a junior in high school wants a new 'neighborhood friend' to come up to them and ask them to be friends, it's not like I'm in elementary school anymore." I say.

Moms grin drops to a straight face "Shit what's she gonna say now" I thought.

"Y/n get over it. You need to make at least one friend" She raises her voice.

I shook my head to get her to stop bugging me.

After dinner I grabbed my headphones and went out for a walk. 'we fell in love in October' by Girl in red starts playing.

I feel my eyes fill with tears. This is my and Briannas song, or was. I quickly change the song cause I cannot take anymore pain right now.

I see a short brunette girl sitting on her front steps with headphones in as well.

As I get closer her features start to get apparent, she's got freckles, brown eyes, bangs, and cute pink lips.

She looks upset but that goes away as soon as she looks up and sees me. She smiles at me and waves. I do the same. "Oh my god she's adorable." I thought to myself.

The song I'm listening to fades out and I hear footsteps getting closer to me. I take my headphones off and put them on my neck.

I see the short brunette behind me. "Hey, are you new around here?" She says as she's huffing and puffing from running over here.

"Oh yeah my family just moved here like 3 days ago." I reply nervously.

"Well it's nice to meet you, my name is Jenna. What's yours?" She asks. "Y/n, Y/n Y/ln" I reply.

She reaches in her pocket and pulls a blue pen out. She reaches for my arm, I let her grab it cause I could never say no to this beautiful girl."

"Okay there's my number. Text me or call me whenever Ms. Y/n." She said happily.

"Will do Ms. Jenna." I giggle. She winks and walks back to her house. I turn around and scream with no noise and walk home.

I lay in bed and cannot stop thinking about this girl. I eventually fall asleep with a fat smile on my face imagining Jenna.

--------------------------------------------------Authors note-----------------------------------------------------

Hey guys, hope you're enjoying the story so far. Just a side note, Jenna and Y/n are both 16 years old and in high school in their junior year Taylor and Aaliyah are both 15, and Kaleb is 8. I know the ages aren't correct but this is how the story line is.

-The girl next door- Jenna Ortega x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now