"I'm yours forever."

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Warning* Some inappropriate content

I went outside to clear my head after hearing the awful news. I think everyone knew I wanted to be alone since nobody followed me. 

"Why can't I just be happy? Why can't she just be a mother and accept me?" I thought, putting my face in my hands while crying my eyes out. 

"Y/n? Is that you?!" I hear a familiar voice say from the distance. I look up and it was Kaleb.

He runs into my arms. I kiss him on the head, we're both crying at this point but for completely different reasons.

"I missed you so much, I'm so glad you're okay." He cries.

"I missed YOU so much buddy." I knew I had to tell him what was going on so I say "Lets go inside I need to talk to you about something very important." He nods his head and we walk inside.

We sit down in the couch. I look at Jenna who's standing near us, she nods reassuring me to tell him.

"Theres no easy way to say this but mom is trying to make us live back with her. I'm so sorry this is happening." I tear up again.

He doesn't say a word, instead he sobs into my shoulder. Hearing the pain in his cry is worse than anything I could ever experience. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. I look over at Jenna, she's even got tears in her eyes.

I pull him away and look right in his eyes. "Listen to me, we're going to fight like hell, like we've never fought before. We will win this, do you understand me?"

"I understand you." He says with a smirk of confidence on his face, I smirk back.

"Sooo since everyone is feeling a little better, who wants to go ice skating??" Natalie says.

Everyone agrees. "Hey Kaleb, would you like to invite your friend Wyatt to come with us?" Natalie asks.

"Yes! Can we go ask now?" He says getting up and already getting ready to go.

She agrees. Aaliyah, Markus, Jenna, Kaleb, Natalie, and I get in the mini van and we drive to Wyatts house. When we get there Markus agrees to go up to the door and ask with him.

All of the sudden Wyatt comes running out the door skipping excitedly with a hat and gloves on. everyone gets back in the van and we start driving to the rink.

I look over at Jenna. She has a blue hat, white gloves, a white coat, and some sweatpants on. She's so cute, how did I get so lucky. I snap out of my thoughts and she smiles since she just caught me checking her out for the millionth time.

She gives me a kiss. Every time I kiss her it feels like it's our first kiss again. The spark is always the same. It's so amazing loving someone the way I love Jenna. She rests her head on my shoulder.

We arrive at the ice skating rink. When we get inside everybody gets their size of skates and we all head on the ice. Wyatt and Kaleb have walkers to help them since they're pretty young, Markus and Aaliyah go off together, and Natalie left to run some errands, that leaves Jenna and I together.

We both aren't the best of skaters so when we get on the ice we're both sliding all over the place, holding each other to keep ourselves up. We really lost control and we both fell since we were holding onto each other.

We're dying laughing lying on the icy ground. "Oh my god, that was the funniest thing that's ever happened to me I swear." She laughs.

We look into each others eyes and we're about to kiss. "Get up love birds, other people are trying to skate here!" Markus says gliding by us followed by Aaliyah. 

We both struggle to get up but we do. We eventually got the hang of it and I was actually kinda good, Jenna on the other hand...

Anyways when we finish skating and get everybody we decide to get hot chocolates from the small cafe in the ice skating rink place. 

"Hey, do you think you could take a picture of us in front of the ice?" Jenna asks Aaliyah, handing her, her phone. Aaliyah agrees.

We put our hot chocolates down. We kissed, her hands were on my face and my hands were on her waist. Jenna thanked her sister and we checked the photo and it was perfect. 

We picked up our hot chocolates. When we were all done Jenna called her mom to pick us up. 

We all got in the car, our cheeks were all rosy red from the cold. 

"Can I post the picture of us if you send it to me?" I asked.

"You don't have to ask me that anymore silly, we're official. And yes I'll send it right now." 

I uploaded the picture, the caption said, "I'm yours forever." I tagged Jenna in it too.

People were going crazy over us, reposting pics of us on their insta stories, tweeting it, even tiktoks were being made. 

When we got home it was about 6:00 PM. Natalie has a steak cooking in the oven. When it was done we all rushed over to the table. There was steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread and butter, and broccoli. 

I was extremely impressed because Kaleb and I never really had meals like this when we lived with mom, she always just cooked crappy food.

Kaleb was clearly impressed to since he was eating like a gremlin. I gestured to him to slow down and have some manners, he nodded.

We finished dinner, it was around 7:00 and we all decided to watch a movie. It was an action movie. Jenna was all over me the whole time, I think I had an idea why, ifkyk. 

About an hour and a half later the movie ended. I put Kaleb to bed and I joined Jenna in her bed. She was also all over me in bed.

"Are you horny?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Maybe." She answered.

"Do you want me to fix that?" I said, lowering my tone.

"Please." She begged.

We did some stuff, I won't go into detail, use your imagination. Anyways we drifted off to sleep after that since we were both wiped out.

Authors note*

I didn't include a smut scene because Jenna and Y/n are only 16 in this. Like Y/n said you can use your imagination on that one. Anyways the next chapter will be the last. I'll most likely be making another story after this so stay tuned!

-The girl next door- Jenna Ortega x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now