"Am I Gay?"

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Jenna fell asleep on my shoulder. She slept for basically the whole movie which was fine. Kaleb came down and sat next to us.

"Wow she's tired huh." He said pointing to Jenna.

"Yeah I guess so." I laughed and realized that we were probably being too loud.

Jenna starts to wake up cause we were in fact being too loud. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes looked right up at me. Her eyes were half open and she rubbed them while picking her head up off of my shoulder.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." I said still staring at her.

"Oh my god how long did I sleep for? I'm so sorry." She panicked.

"I think it was only 2 hours." I reassured her.

She nodded her head and greeted Kaleb. She checked his face out to see how bad it looked.

"Hm, not too bad. You can tell the kids when you go to school that you got in a fight and won." She said, playfully punching him in the arm. 

He laughed and so did I. All of the sudden the door opened and I saw Taylor and a girl walk in, she looked to be the same age as her.

"Aaliyah, what the hell are you doing here?" Jenna asked confused.

"Uhh what are YOU doing here? This is Taylors house." Aaliyah said.

"Wait a minute, are you two related or something?" I asked as my brows furrowed.

"Yeah we're sisters, sadly" Jenna replied. Aaliyah rolled her eyes.

"Y/n since when did you know Jenna? And what the hell happened to Kaleb?!" She says as she rushed over to her brother. 

"I met Jenna yesterday while going for a walk and Kaleb got beat up by some of Wyatts friends, hopefully ex-friends now. He's fine though, me and Jenna took care of him." I smiled and looked at her and she smiled back.

"Mom's not gonna be happy. Why didn't you see this happen? You were supposed to be watching him you idiot." She raised her voice.

"Um excuse me?! I was in fact watching him. I went for a short walk with Jenna and I came back and saw him beat up. You think I knew these kids were gonna beat him up?" I yelled.

"Y/n he's 8 years old! You shouldn't have left him alone!" 

I ran to my room and slammed my door.

"Yeah that's right! Run away from every problem you ever face!" She yelled.

"Uhm I think I'm gonna head out, see you later Taylor. Jenna you coming?" Aaliyah asked.

"No I think I'll stay for a bit and check up on Y/n." Jenna replied.

----------------------------------------Jennas POV------------------------------------------------------------------------

As my sister left Y/n's mom walked in. She shouted at Taylor and asked what happened to Kaleb.

"I left to go to Aaliyah's house knowing that Y/n was home and she left to go for a walk and left him all alone to get beat up by Wyatts friends!" Taylor shouted.

"I wasn't even alone. Wyatt's friends are older and they were watching us, or I thought they were but instead they beat me and Wyatt up. Please don't blame this on Y/n." Kaleb said nervously.

"Kaleb I don't want to hear it. Why are you always defending her? She did something wrong! And who's this?" Y/n's mom shouted. 

"Hi I'm Y/n's friend Jenna, I helped Y/n with Kaleb today." I said.

"Nice to see she's finally made a friend." Her mom said and rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to go check on her." I said.

I went upstairs and knocked on the door I heard crying from. 

"Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" Y/n shouted.

"Its Jenna." I replied.

"Oh, sorry come in." She said

----------------------------------------------------Y/n's POV----------------------------------------------------------------

I told Jenna to come in. She sat down on my bed and wrapped me in her arms. She kissed my head and told me everything is going to be okay. 

"Why? Everything I do isn't good enough for them. The only person who's ever been here for me was my dad and Kaleb. Why did he have to die?" I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I'm here for you now. I'll take care of you." She said, putting my hair behind my ears.

She laid with me for a long time. "Do you think you could stay here for the night?" I asked her.

"Of course, let me just text my mom." She said with a smile on her face.

I got up and went through my drawer to get her one of my oversized t-shirts and a pair of shorts.

"Do you want to change into these?" I asked as I help them up for her to see.

"Yeah that would be great." She smiled and got up to grab them.

I got my pajamas as well. "Ill change over here and you can change at the other side of the room." I said.

I take my shirt off and look back to take a look at her, not to be creepy. She's in her bra and underwear. I look away, not wanting her to catch me staring. "Holy shit" I thought.

Jennas POV*

Before I put the t-shirt and shorts on I look back to see Y/n in her bra and underwear. Her body is absolutely amazing. I've never thought about a girl this way before. Am I gay?

----------------------------------------------Authors note-----------------------------------------------------------------

I hope you guys are liking it so far. I may not be updating too much since I have back to back tests this week since vacation is starting next week. <3

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