Kicked out

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After we confessed our feelings I asked mom if I could sleep over at Jenna's. She said yes like she always does since she doesn't give a shit where I go. 

Jenna goes into her drawer and pulls out a shirt and shorts for me to sleep in.

"I think I'll only take the shorts because I kinda wanna sleep in my sports bra, one if you're comfortable with that. I said

"Are you kidding? Of course I'd be comfortable with that, more than comfortable." She smirks and checks me out.

She also wears only a sports bra but she wore grey sweat pants instead of shorts.

We brushed our teeth and after that we got into bed. Her bed is so comfy.

She laid her head on my chest, arm around my waist, and leg on my legs. I hold her.

"I think I'm a lesbian." She says quietly.

I play with her hair and say "Me too my love." I feel her lips move into a smile since she's lying on my chest.

"Goodnight Y/n." She yawns. "Goodnight Jenna."

I wake up to her still on my chest. I accidentally wake her up.

She lifts her head up to look at me, squinting because of the bright sunlight coming in through the curtains.

She smiles, "Good morning my love." 

"Good morning." I say holding her little face in my hands.

We get up to go eat breakfast. Natalie is already up along with Jennas siblings, Aaliyah and Markus. 

"Good morning girls, how'd you sleep." Natalie says.

"Really well." Jenna says looking up at me.

"I slept really well too." I replied, looking down at Jenna.

Natalie senses something different between us causing her to look at us with a smirk.

"How does she know?" I thought.

Natalie puts two plates at the table with bacon, eggs, and hash browns.

I ate everything on my plate and Jenna ate everything but a piece of bacon. Markus grabs the piece of bacon and gobbles it down before Jenna threw it away.

After breakfast I decide to go home and see Kaleb since I haven't really spent time with him lately. I say my goodbyes to Jennas family.

"Hey can I walk you home?" Jenna runs over and asks just as I'm about to walk out the door.

"Of course you can." I smile warmly.

We walk down the road, hand in hand. We walk in silence, a nice silence, not an awkward silence.

We arrive at my house and she plants her lips on mine for a quick kiss so nobody sees.

"I lo-, I like you so much Y/n." She stutters.

I notice what she almost says. "I like you so much Jenna. Text me?" I ask. She nods her head and turns around with the biggest smile ever.

I walk in the door to see my mom standing right there glaring at me. "Did she see us kiss?" I thought.

"Wow you've finally decided to come home." She says.

"Oh uhm yeah, sorry I haven't really been home. I've just been hanging out with Jenna a lot." I replied.

"Mmmm I see that. And have you grown a liking to this girl?" She asks with her tone a bit meaner.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask. "Shit" I thought.

"You know what I mean Y/n. Do you have a crush on her?" 

"No! Not at all, why do you think that?"

"I'm not stupid Y/n. Do you think I'm stupid?" She crosses her arms.

"Not at all mom." I say getting a bit aggravated.

"I saw you kissing her! You know I will never let a lesbian live in this house!" She shouted.

My eyes well up with tears. "If I'm not accepted in my own household then I don't want to live in this house!" I cried.

"Then leave! Get your stuff and get the hell out of my house you monster!" She screamed.

I ran upstairs balling my eyes out. I grabbed a backpack and threw a few pairs of clothes, a toothbrush, hairbrush, and more. I was getting ready to walk out my door and turned around to grab just one more thing. My picture with Kaleb, dad, and I in it.

I went to Kalebs room. He was sitting on his bed crying after hearing what happened.

I hugged him. "I love you, I hope you know that I think it's cool that you like girls. Jenna is a great person. I wish you didn't have to leave." he cried.

"I love you more, I can't express to you how much that means to me. I wish I could stay with you too. I will see you every chance I get. Please text me and call every day." I sobbed.

I left and texted Jenna, "I just got kicked out. Can you pick me up?" She replies with "Wtf?! I'll be there asap."

She pulls up and I hop in, still crying. She leans over me and holds my head in her soft arms.

"Shhh, listen to me Y/n it's going to be okay." She whispers.

We go back to her house. Jenna brings her mom outside so we can all talk about what happened.

Jenna tells her mom about us and she supports us both with her whole heart, it makes me a little sad because I wish mom was like Natalie.

"So my mom saw me and Jenna kiss as she was dropping me off, she called me a monster and told me to pack my stuff and get out." I said fighting back tears. Jenna looks really upset too.

"Oh my goodness, sweetheart you can stay here for as long as you want. Even forever if you wanted, we would be happy to welcome you in our family." She said holding me in her arms as I cried tears of joy.

I finally felt accepted and understood. "I could get used to this." I thought, smiling.

-The girl next door- Jenna Ortega x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now