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I went into Y/n's backyard and I checked if the backdoor was unlocked. It was. I don't really feel guilty because I know this is what Y/n would want me to do.

I checked the kitchen counter tops and doors for anything that could be used to help me find her. Nothing there. I wasn't going to go into Shannon or Taylor's rooms unless I absolutely had to.

I checked the living room and Kalebs room, still nothings. I came across Y/n's room. I went inside even though I knew it was going to make me emotional. I found a picture of her and some people who looked our age, I would imagine they're her old friends. I put it back knowing she'd want it again when I find her. 

I searched her room but I couldn't find a single thing. Then I came across it. Shannon's office. Why didn't I think about this sooner?

I entered and I turned my flashlight on. I looked in a file cabinet but there was nothing useful in there. Then I saw it. A flyer that said "Rockwell Wilderness Therapy" I grabbed it and turned my flashlight off.

"Please don't be awake, please don't be awake." I thought cringing as I opened the door. Phew nobody's there. I quickly escaped and I ran back to my house as fast as I could.

When I entered my house I saw my mom crossing her arms and staring at me disapprovingly. 

"Where the hell were you at 12:30 AM in fully black clothes Jenna?" She questioned me.

"Nowhere mom, it's not a big deal." I replied, staring at the floor.

Her eyes darted to the flyer I had in my hand. I watched her face as she connected the pieces together. 

"Jenna Marie Ortega! You could get in serious trouble for that!" She raised her voice as her eyes were wide open.

"Mom I-" I hesitated. "Mom I love her. I have to find her, no matter what it takes." I choked on my tears.

"Oh hunny..." She said wrapping me into a big hug. 

"I have to go now mom, please take care of Kaleb." I said leaving her arms.

"What? Are you crazy? You have to wait till the morning, I will not let you go." She grabbed my arm. 

I tugged on my arm and she let go "I'm sorry mom. I love you so much but this is something I have to do for the girl I love." 

I grabbed a backpack and packed the essentials. Food, drinks, charger, headphones, passport, wallet, and so on. I kissed mom on the cheek and assured her everything will be okay.

I walked out the door and got in my car and made my way to the airport.

Y/n's POV*

I was shivering due to the cold temperatures in Minnesota, at least I think that's where we are. I just want to leave and be with Jenna. I hate mom so much.

"Hey, you ok over there?" Joey asked.

I swallowed my tears, "Uh yeah I guess so." I lied.

"Ok, try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is probably gonna be hard, goodnight Y/n."

"Night Joey." I pulled the covers over my head to trap the heat in. God, what I would do to be in her arms right now.

After a couple hours, I assume, I decided that I won't sleep tonight. I exited my tent to see a beautiful sky lit by the stars. Nobody was out of their tents, which kinda surprised me.

I put my hood on and zipped my coat up all the way. I just laid there on the ground stargazing, hoping it would pass the time.

Jenna's POV*

I've been on the plane for about an hour now which means I only have an hour left to go. I sat there anxiously bouncing my leg hoping she's alright. I put on my headphones to listen to some music, hoping it would distract me.

'Friends' By Chase Atlantic played. I leaned my head against the window, looking in the distance at the stars.

I guess I managed to fall asleep because I woke up to everyone unbuckling their seatbelts, I followed. I put my headphones around my neck and put my backpack on and exited the plane.

I called an Uber and went outside to wait for it. "Damn it's cold." I thought, holding my arms trying to warm myself up.

My Uber pulled up and I hopped in. Thank God it was warm. I told the guy my destination.

"Why the hell are you only wearing a hoodie in Minnesota weather?" The guy asked.

"I didn't realize the weather was so bad here." I gritted my teeth.

It took us a good amount of time to arrive but we did. I Venmoed him the money and bolted out the car door and into the main building. 

"Hello what can I do for you?" The woman at the counter said.

"I'm Y/n Y/ln's sister, Taylor Y/ln. I'm here to take her home." I said.

"I'm afraid only an adult can dismiss a child from our program." 

"Uhm, excuse me? I'm 19 years old, do I not look it?" I lied.

"Oh, sorry ma'am I didn't realize you were above 18. I need proof that you're her sister though."

I needed to think fast. I pulled out my phone and showed her non romantic pictures of us. I also showed her a picture of me, mom, and Y/n the day we ate ice cream. 

"This is our Aunt, Carrie-Ann." I said knowing that Y/n had an aunt with that name.

"Let me look at the listed family and see if she's on the list."

I was praying to God she was on that list. I didn't even realize that my nails were digging into my hands until they started to bleed. 

"Okay, you're in luck. Aunt Carrie-Ann is on the list, so are you so you are all set to take her. " She showed me directions on how to find her and where exactly to go.

I searched for a good amount of time and I finally saw a sign that said "Group B"

I ran around the tents to see a girl in a coat shivering and laying on the ground. I walked over and  she got up. It was Y/n. 

"Jenna?" Her voice shook. "Y/n!" I yelled.

Y/n's POV*

I was still there, on the hard ground looking at the stars when I heard foot steps behind me. I shot up and I saw a short girl looking at me. 

"Jenna?" I asked? She yelled my name. I ran over to her and picked her up.

We kissed passionately until I heard Joey and I's tent zip open. I looked to see Joey grinning at us.

"Joey, this is Jenna. My- my girlfriend." I stuttered hoping we were in fact girlfriends.

She looked at me, arms still wrapped around me, with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face. I pecked her on the lips.

"Y/n get outta here before it's too late!" Joey said throwing my backpack to me. 

"Thanks Joey. We'll meet again someday." I said running away with Jenna.

He just smiled and waved.

When Jenna and I exited the gates we hugged for a long damn time.

We stared into each others eyes for awhile, admiring each other. 

"I l-" She hesitated.

"What were you going to say?" I put my cold hand on her cheek, she shivered.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you too." I said, Kissing her once again, but this was different than any other kiss, it was special.

-The girl next door- Jenna Ortega x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now