❤️Female Agent 3 X Male Octo Commander Reader

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Cap'n Cuttlefish: You can't be serious!

Agent 3 embarrassingly rubbed her arm.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: How much do you even know about him?

(Y/N): We sorta meet.... Recently.

Claire: Recently, huh? You do realize, that squid is our enemy?

Agent 3: So what? I believe he's different from the others.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: .... Let's talk. In private.

Both of them leave and went somewhere away from anyone hearing their conversation.

Claire: I'm glad you found love. But.... Why her?

(Y/N): ....

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh no, missy! Don't start playing the mute protagonist now!

Agent 3: Because he got me out of their base.

Claire: You?! It was you who did that?!

(Y/N): I-

Claire: No. Just..... No!

Claire walked away, but (Y/N) caught up with her.

Agent 3: Cap'n! Please don't leave! I.... I need your help!

Cap'n Cuttlefish: With what?

(Y/N): .... I want to thank her by....

(Y/N) sighed.

Agent 3: Asking him to go out with me.

Claire: Awww~ (Y/N) wants to go on a date with the enemy~ How romantic!

(Y/N): Stop being sarcastic! I've never had these kind of feelings before, and I needed help with someone I trust.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: What's in it for me, kiddo?

Agent 3: I saved your life.

(Y/N): I'll tell everyone that story you told, was made up and since I'm the commander, they'll obviously believe me.

Claire: Well shoot! Guess you gotten the upper hand. I'll help.

Agent 3: Thank you!

(Y/N) hugged Claire and she's feeling uncomfortable.

Claire: This is the first time you showed compassion. That squid is messing up my friend's brain.

Soon, they went to (Y/N)'s room and he got the phone from the charger. Claire saw the call log of the squid.

Claire: You talked to her for that long?

Agent 3: More like... Sleeping together.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You're rushing into this too soon. Maybe get to know him first.

(Y/N) looked at the phone and sighed. He puts it away and Claire pat his back.

Claire: If you need advice, you know who to ask.

(Y/N): My therapist?

Claire: No! Me!

(Y/N): ... So I just lie my way to her heart?

Claire: .... You're mean. You hurt my feelings!

Claire left and (Y/N) hoped she doesn't tell anyone about his crush. Later on that day, (Y/N) gets a call on his phone and stopped his activity to answer the phone.

Agent 3: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hey 3.

Agent 3: Whatcha doing?

Female Splatoon characters X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now