Chapter 2

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Paul's POV

What the hell just happened. She just flew over the handle and walked away like it was nothing.

"Nice going Paul." Jacob said sarcastically.

"Don't take that tone with me Black" I snapped started to shake.

"Don't Paul! Calm down! You can't phase here" Jared said.

I tried to calm down but I couldn't so I ran into the woods and phased.

I ran all the way to Sam's place with the guys following shortly behind except for Jacob.

Cassandra's POV

I heard the door open a few minutes after I had been home. I figured it was Jacob because dad would be fishing all day.

A knock came at my door followed shortly by my brother entering.

"You can't come in here. " I said not liking up from the homework I was doing.

"Okay I just wanted to say sorry for the way Paul acted.  "

"Really Jacob! Really! He's been bulling me for a year and you finally say something! He dos it in from of you! Your supposed to stand up for me be there for me! Your supposed to be my brother!" I yelled when I looked up from my homework.

" I am your brother. "

"No your not. " I said. I saw hurt flash through his eyes but I didn't feel regret. He deserved this. He has made me feel bad now it's his turn.

Authors note:

Anger management ~ Paul Lahote~Where stories live. Discover now