Ch - 6. Mute Lips

853 94 22

[YIZHAN - Wattpad]

The slight sensation of a pecking on his cheek caused the alpha's closed eyes to begin to wrinkle, Yibo move his head slowly as he tried to open his eyes, the clarity was somewhat blinding, he stared at the ceiling for a few seconds to adapt his vision, again that pecking on his cheek made him turn his face only to see a small boy with dark eyes, leafy eyelashes, rosy cheeks, a big smile outlined his face and a mole adorned it under it.

- Dad!...- The little boy yelled as he looked at Yibo.- He woke up...

- Wang Yibo!...- Xiao Zhan was standing at the door.- What have I told you about yelling young man?...

- I'm sorry daddy... I won't do it again...- He blink playfully.

- I'm so sorry if my son bothered you...- Zhan approached Yibo sitting next to him.- He's a little naughty... Do you feel better?

Zhan raised his hand to bring it closer to Yibo's forehead but he backed away quickly, the Omega tried to touch his forehead again but the alpha's hand held his wrist firmly, Yibo was perplexed, nervous, fate once again played with him, there in front of him was his Omega and not only him. Had he heard correctly? Wang Yibo? Was that little boy... his son?

- Calm down!...- Zhan smiled and took Yibo's hand away from his wrist.- I just want to check that you don't have a fever.

The smile of that Omega reappeared before his eyes, that smile which he kept with him like a treasure for years, his heart was beating fast, his body was trembling, his chest ached, his Omega was right in front of him, looking into his eyes, but he did not recognize it, Zhan's hand rested on Yibo's forehead, checking if there was any trace of fever, a drop of sweat rolled down Yibo's face and Zhan tried to dry it but he quickly withdrew his face again.

Yibo knew that his Omega's hands would perfectly recognize his face and he could not allow it, for his Omega he had died, how could he appear and tell him it's me... come back? He wouldn't welcome him with open arms, he would hate him, he would feel cheated, the alpha restrained himself from rushing towards him and wrapping his arms around him to beg him to forgive him for his abandonment, his eyes watering just remembering the pain that Zhan had to go through when he found out about his death, the life he had to live away from everyone and without the opportunity to have a new partner, he felt so miserable, if only he had not approached him, his life would be different.

- What is your name?...- Zhan looked into his eyes.

-....- Yibo was silent as he looked down.

- You can't speak?


- Do you remember how you got those wounds?

-....- Yibo continued without answering.

- Dad...he's broken...- The boy looked at Yibo.

- Wang Yibo!...- Zhan scolded.

-....- Yibo looked up quickly when he heard his name.

- Ah!...- Zhan smiled a little embarrassed then looked at his son.- He's not broken... he just went through a bad time...- He looked at Yibo and smiled.- But we'll make sure what better...

- But he doesn't speak...- The boy spoke again.

- Your father didn't see before... Do you mean that I was also broken?...

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