Springtrap and Deliah OC

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Name: Nova Kim-Park/Park-Kim Nova/Nova Edwards
Nickname/Stage Name: SuperNova
Age: Seventeen and a half years old 

Personality: she's shy, reserved, quiet, but sweet, caring, and protective, a little rebellious, but that makes her loveable.
Family: Deliah (younger sister, alive, estranged) Nick (father, alive, estranged) MATz (HongJoong and Seonghwa) (adoptive fathers) the members of ATEEZ (older brother figures)
Friends: she's never in one place for a long period of time
Enemies: she's too nice
Looks: in the picture below

Family: Deliah (younger sister, alive, estranged) Nick (father, alive, estranged) MATz (HongJoong and Seonghwa) (adoptive fathers) the members of ATEEZ (older brother figures)Friends: she's never in one place for a long period of time Enemies: she...

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Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: N/A
Voice: BIBI

Backstory: Nova had a good childhood until she turned fourteen, she was Nick's rebellious daughter and he just couldn't have such a "bad influence" around his youngest, Deliah. Feeling overshadowed and overwhelmed, Nova snuck out, and bought a plane ticket to Seoul, but what airline would sell a minor a plane ticket? The kind who knows what a distressed teen looks like, and knew Nova was deserving of a better life. She was adopted by MATz (HongJoong and Seonghwa) and accepted (ish) by the members (the boys) of ATEEZ.

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