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I sigh, as me and Shaniqua walk through the forest.

"How do they expect us to write 1000 words on our forest trauma?" I ask as we walk.

"I'm not sure"

I hmm but look at the floor seeing some rats. I grin

"Awwww there so cu-"

"AHH!! RATS!!" Then Shaniqua quickly runs away. I turn as I watch her run.

"SHANIQUA!! COME BACK!!" I shout. But she's to far gone.

Seriously? Ahh!! Anyway. Imogen is a rat. So theres one. How else do I relate nature to my traummaaaaaaaaa. Hahaha. Anyhow. Uhmmm. The twigs are like my ex bosses dick because their so smal- I don't think they'd let me get away with that. Uhm. Idk.

I continue looking around, but all I see are two bees having sex on a tree.

"Aha. He called me bumblebee and these bees are having sex. Tadaaaaa. All done! I did it! Damm those bees are really going for it." I chuckle then walk away.

Can't wait to tell Nick about how sad this is.

I shrug then continue walking through the forest.


I huff as I sit in the circle, picking at the side of my nails.

"And how about Y/n. Its your turn now to share what happened" my head shoots up and I look at my teacher.


"It's your turn to share"

"Do I have to?"

"Unless you want to sleep in the shed"

I huff but stand up.

"Alright uh. When I was thirteen my dad was a druggy and slit his wrists infront of me. Lol. My mum was a pretentious asshole who was constantly at my throat so yknow girl boss. My brothers a nonse who is now married to his student.And then I pretended to be a boy to play rugby at a boys school. Cuz im that awesome that i can. Litrrally fooled to entire schools cuz im that cool. Uhhh oh, And then I got with a boy named Nick. Anddd worked at a maid cafe. Then my boss raped me, cuz im so hot. And on sports day this bitch named imogen outed me to everyone with voice recordings of me getting raped infront of everyone. Sooooo yeah a pretty normal life y'know" I laugh, then sit down.

"Okay then. Thank you for sharing. Anyone have any questions?"

Then someone raises their hand.

"Did you uh. Enjoy getting raped" I hate this bitch.

"Obviously" I joke. Everyone gasps. "That was a joke. Jeez. No I didn't"

"Are you still with Nick?"

"Not sure it's weird"

"Do you miss your pets?"

"How'd you know I had pets?" I smile. He lowers his hand slowly.

"Anyone else?"

"Yeah. What were you wearing when you got raped"

I clear my throat.

"I was wearing.... Your mum" I joke.

"That's not funny. My mum was murdered and skinned just for decoration. Have some fucking respect"

My eyes widen as I curl my lips holding back a laugh.

"W-what?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Anyway! I believe this lesson is over with now. Enjoy your chores" I groan then we all walk out.

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