Chapter 2

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Hey. The name's Chris. I'm a fox. You probably already know what happened between the races, but I'll explain it how I was taught. So, the humans attacked the other races, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. The humans and cats were almost completely wiped out. The only two that made it out were both young foxes who were captured by the cats.

We, the foxes, sheltered the two kits. While the humans and cats were in their war, the foxes and bunnies made a truce dinner. The foxes were sure that the bunnies would attempt to catch them off-guard at the dinner, so the foxes made the first move.

The foxes wiped out half of the bunnies population, and vice-versa. The cats are rumored to have three remaining, but these haven't been confirmed, as no one has ever spotted them. Me and my best friend - oh right. My best friend's name is Cai. He was the product of the two foxes that escaped the battle, Celly and Cevin.

The reason their names are spelled with C's is because the cats had a tradition. They'd name the children with K names (Kelly, Kevin, Kai), but when they'd get older, they'd replace the K with a C, (Celly, Cevin, Cai) though they'd pronounce it the same way. Celly and Cevin liked this tradition, so they decided to steal it from the cats, since they're all wiped out.

Anyway, I started using a sword. Everyone wanted me to be on the front lines, but I'd never wanted that. After I told them when I wanted to be a sniper with my bow and arrow, everyone called me a coward. "He's so weak." "Even female bunnies are using close combat weapons." "You're not worth the extra time. The extra space." I was told all that and more since I was six years old. Even my parents thought me to be a disgrace. I never told them what I thought of them when they said those things. I just smiled, trying to hide my pain.

The only one who didn't call me a coward or a waste of space... was Kai. He was being treated the exact opposite way, since he was raised using a bow and arrow, then switched to a sword once I said I didn't want it. He was praised by everyone. I was left in the dirt by those same people.

Since I was seen as a coward, I've been sent down to torture this bunny that I'd poisoned. It's a lethal poison, but she pulled it out before it made her die, (and I missed her chest) so she just passed out for a while. I'm here to investigate this poor soul. I don't actually feel bad though. She'd do this same thing if our roles were swapped.

"Hey. Try not to fall next time." I grinned at her as she stared at me, clearly furious at me. She's actually quite... never mind. I pulled her so the chair stood upright again. "You're lucky I was sent down here to investigate you, gorgeous." I put my face right in front of hers, and I moved so my mouth was right next to her ear. "You might not have been here right now if not for me." I grinned as I got ready to whisper in her ear again. "After all, I'm the one who poisoned you."

We were silent for a moment. No movement, nothing. But suddenly, she turned her head. Then, CHOMP! "Ack! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled back at her as I grabbed my ear. She bit a piece of it clean off! She spat it out as she growled at me. "What do you want from me?" I ignored her, trying to see how fast the blood was coming out. She got even more angry "I said, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

CatastrophicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora