Chapter 18

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It's been months, and I haven't heard a thing from the team Jade was sent out on. I'm close to giving up hoping and just accepting she's dead, along with the rest of the team... Wait! There's no way she's dead! I can't think like that, nor can I give up hope! She's alive. She needs to be.

I will not accept her death, not while she's only 19 and I'm 20! I could accept it if we were in our eighties, but not now! I ate dinner and as my chef was about to serve dessert, I heard a scream from the kitchen. It was my chef. I ran to the kitchen and noticed the door was locked. Then, I heard a familiar voice I haven't heard in over a year.

"Chris. How are you?" I gasped and looked behind me. It was Cai. I started to cry and I ran to hug him. He hugged me back, then I felt something... different. I looked up to his head, and I saw that he had cat ears. I gasped yet again, and I cried more.

"...You're not Cai! You're a cat!" I screamed as I fell back and crawled backwards. He chuckled and jumped down from the window. "Oh, but Chris. You really never noticed? Cai is a cat. I am a cat." He grabbed me by the legs and threw me onto the couch.

He sat on my stomach and grabbed both of my wrists to handicap me. I just came to a realization. "Cai... were you the cat that killed those teams?" He relaxed his body and smiled at the thought as he wrapped his tail around my arms.

I began to cry as I repeated what I said. "Cai... were you the cat... that killed those groups that died?" He chuckled as he looked at me and sighed. "What do you think, Chris?" His smile faded into a straight face as he said that.

I started to cry yet again. "Did you kill a bunny?" He smiled. "Of course, I did! She didn't really love you. I... love you. I have for a long time." He messed with his nails and smiled at me. I stared at him horrified.

"What the hell?" I looked at the ceiling and thought about it. There's no way he actually likes me. Especially not for a 'long time'. I tried to punch him in the face, but he held my arms down with both his hands and his tail.

Since he was focusing his strength on keeping my arms under control, I kicked him in the face. "How dare you kill Jade?! I loved her!" I yelled in his ear. He sprang up from all the noise. "Ow..." He grabbed his ears. Then, he smiled and let go of them. "No, you didn't. That wasn't true love."

He sat back down on me, and I got more and more angry. Then, he continued. "We are true love." He grabbed my hands and laid down on top of me. I started to cry as I just realized something. "I'm never... going to see Jade again?" I sighed, my eyes watering.

Cai smiled and nodded. "Mhm! It's great, right?" "No! No, it's not!" I yelled back. I kicked him off of me and he frowned, his ears folding back. "You still don't understand, do you? I'm not going to give up on you. She did." I yelled. "She DIED!"

He groaned. "You seriously don't get it? Crying over her won't give you any more time with her! I'm your only option now!" "I'm not gay!" I yelled at him. He didn't take that well. He started to growl at me. "You're either with me, or you die!" He yowled at me. I jumped up and made a run for the armory. "I'd rather DIE than be with you!"

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