Chapter 7

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"Pretty handy, I'd say." I said, smiling at the silver shining from the sunlight shining in from the window. I tried walking around again. I smiled and looked back up at Chris. "Um... you can look now, I'm obviously done." He peeked back and then turned around fully after he saw I was done. "Alright, step two, how do we get you out there without anyone noticing I'm with you?" I looked back at him in shock. "Are. You. KIDDING ME?" I yelled at him, but then he walked over to me and lifted up the helmet mask. "What did I say?" He held his pocket knife up to my neck this time. "Do not. yell. at me." He touched the tip of the pocketknife to my neck, which slightly cut my skin. I winced at the pain, trying not to show how much it hurt.

He chuckled at my face as he twirled his pocketknife and closed it to put it back in his pocket. "Don't forget." He grabbed a band-aid from the first-aid kit and slapped it on my cut. "You are my hostage. Not the other way around." He put the helmet mask back down. "And yes, I didn't think about this part of the plan." I groaned as quietly as I could. He obviously heard me, but tried to ignore it. Then, I could tell he had an idea. He grabbed multiple strange devices. He stuck one under the helmet, where my mouth is. Another went on my left hand (my non-dominant one). He put another one in my ear.

He held the last one and told me to leave the room. I was walking, through his house, alone. Great. This is the day that I die. He told me "Press the button on your left hand whenever I want to change where my voice goes, the speaker or the earpiece. Oh, and also, do not speak under any circumstances. If someone says something, switch my voice to the speaker, and let me do the talking." I nodded, despite knowing that he couldn't see me. His mother didn't even notice me.

I went down to the armory and grabbed a sword, and I went off to battle. I turned Chris back to the earpiece. "Thank you for doing this, I know how hard it must be since you'll be killing another bunny." He said. I froze and stopped walking. I dropped the sword and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I felt my stomach collapse. I was just realizing. I actually need to kill another bunny. I started hyperventilating and Chris could hear me. "Bunny? Why'd you stop?" I gasped and looked around. "H-how did you... know what I-I did?" I said in-between breaths. "I have a window in my room. I can see you outside." I sighed as I bent down and grabbed the sword.

I approached the battlefield and looked at the bunny warriors. I put Chris on the speaker. I found my target. "I'm sorry, little bunny." I mumbled as I clutched the golden sword handle. I ran at the bunny and stabbed straight through the armor, which is when I noticed just how fragile the bunny armor is compared to the foxes. The bunny lifted up her helmet so she could cough up the blood. "L-Laila?" I gasped as I clenched my fist, accidentally switching Chris back to the earpiece. Chris gasped. "Wh-who's Laila?" I lifted up my helmet as I took the sword out of her body.

I screamed as I held Laila for the last moments of her life. I suddenly heard Chris yell. "BUNNY LOOK OUT!" I turned around, quickly dropping Laila's lifeless body, but it was too late. I felt a horrible stabbing pain in my back, through my side, and my front slightly. I opened my mouth to scream, but just as I did, I passed out.

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