Chapter 6

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I looked at what my mother had called "the bag" and realized I hadn't even learned her name, yet she's already doing me a favor. I looked back up to Mary. "Wait... don't I have armor in my room? Yeah... heh. I can just put on my armor in my room and grab a sword in the armory, later. Bye!" I began to speed walk to my room. As we entered the hallway, I saw the bunny start to show her feelings through her face again. I whispered to her quickly. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry!" She looked at me with a surprised and nervous face.

We entered my room, and I slammed my door shut. I laid the bunny on my bed gently and started speaking to her in a normal tone. "I'm so sorry, you can scream in here, if you need to. The room is soundproof." Suddenly, she screamed at the top of her lungs and hugged her right leg tightly. "Wh- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I turned around quickly and gasped. I felt my ears go back. "I... I'm sorry!" My voice was breaking, since I felt bad from harming her. "I... I didn't know you got feeling in your leg back, I'm SORRY!" She began to yell indistinct words at me. I locked the door to make sure no one would walk in.

I started paying attention to what she was screeching, but I could only make out a few words. "YOU STAB... BUNNY... BAG THEN... JADE!" She stopped yelling and sat on my bed, panting from loss of breath. I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear. "A-are you d-" She interrupted me "YES! I AM." I jumped back and went into a defensive position. "O-okay..." I fidgeted with my thumbs, nervous that she'd yell at me again. "I just..." I cleared my throat and tried to go into a more confident stance. "I mean... I just wanted to prove to her that you weren't alive! Would you rather she killed you, huh?" I walked towards her, trying to make her afraid as her wrathful face started to fade, being covered by fear.

"Or would you rather you died here, and now?" I asked with my nail resting on her neck. She stared at me with an angry look on her face, which was clearly making a failing attempt at hiding her fear. "You wouldn't dare." She growled at me. I smirked "Don't forget I'm a fox. You're just a lousy little bunny." I looked down at her leg she was holding. "Not only that... but you're wounded." I stood up straight and got my straight face. "You're in no position to yell at me. You can yell, but DO. NOT. direct it towards anyone in my nation." I looked down at her.

She stared at me with her large, sky-blue eyes opened wide in disbelief that I'd yelled at her. She had it coming. Anyway, we stayed silent for a while as I looked for the armor in my closet. She laid on my bed as she waited. "Alright." I looked back at her. "I have some bandages." I grabbed the med kit and sewed her thigh back up. She flinched every time the needle punctured her skin. I would say that she's a baby, but there's a side-effect to the drug I gave her. After it numbs the body, it makes her feel every single thing, and pain hurts twice as bad. She was clearly still angry with me, so I didn't bother apologizing again, since she's clearly too angry to understand.

A few more minutes passed, and I spoke again. "The armor." I handed her the armor as she sat up and I watched her. She looked at me and back at the armor, then she looked back at me. "Uh... you gonna look away?" She asked quite rudely. I blushed and turned around. "Oh o-of course." I faced the door as she got into the armor. "Hm. I can actually walk in this." "Yeah. That's a part of the armor. You can walk in it and grab stuff even if you're injured." I said.

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