Chapter 10

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I slicked back my hair and looked back at her. After noticing how angry she was by my comment, I cleared my throat. "Ahem. S-sorry." I looked to the side. "In Siyala, if..." I groaned. "...never mind. It's... It's embarrassing." I figured out why I feel weird around her, but I couldn't tell her the truth. I can't tell her. She's a bunny, and I'm a fox. Even more, I've kidnapped her! Twice! There's no way she'd like me back. Plus, I know what the result of a fox and a bunny looks like. I don't want that for anyone else. I paid attention to the present again after I felt a weight next to me on the bed.

Obviously, it was Jade. "You can tell me. I promise I won't laugh." She put her hand on her heart as she said that. I looked away. "It's not whether or not you laugh. It's... how you'll react to it. To me." She looked at me confused and took both of my hands and held them. "Chris... I don't understand. Please just tell me." Jade looked me in the eyes, and I noticed how her sky-blue eyes shone in the sunlight flooding in through the window.

I stuttered. "I- I..." I sighed. "Jade... I can't." She gasped. "You know my name, too?" In contrast to my reaction, she smiled so bright it could outshine the sun. I thought I knew why she was happy. She doesn't feel any romantic attraction to me. But then I remembered that it could be totally different in Krolik.

I came back to the present again, noticing how Jade was strangely excited we knew each other's names. "Yay! Now we're friends!" She hugged me and I began to blush. She wants to be my friend? I was dumbfounded. I'm her captor! I kept thinking in deep concentration the entire time she shook me violently.

Eventually, we heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice. My mother's voice. "Pumpkin, are you ready for school?" She asked, before opening the door. She gasped at what she saw. "Chris...? Are you..." She paused for a moment. "Are you really this unorganized? Honestly!" I sighed in relief at the same time as Jade, who was hidden, sitting behind me. I stood up and walked to my mother, trying my best to hide Jade from her view.

"Mom! I was about to change! Give me a minute!" I pushed her out of my room as quickly as I could. I slammed and locked the door afterwards. Me and Jade sighed again. Then, Jade looked surprised, then she smirked at me. "So, you still go to school? What, are you like, twelve?" She laughed. "H-Hey!" I yelled.

I blushed and scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment. "No... I'm nineteen. I was held back because my teacher in the bravery subject thought me to be a coward. I mean, same as everyone else, nothing unusual." I crossed my arms and looked to the side. "All because I didn't want to be a swordsman, they all shunned me." I could feel my eyes watering.

"A-anyway, you should get back in the closet or at least turn around while I change for school." She turned around and I got into uniform. After getting fully dressed, I looked at her and sighed. "You're the only person who has treated me well in the past thirteen years. Thank you." I said as I left the room.

I realized I forgot my bow and arrows in my room, so I entered again to grab those. "By the way, you should lock the door after I leave the room, so my mom doesn't see you. Bye! Love- See ya!" I yelled back as I shut the door.

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