Chapter 17

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We spoke to just about everyone in the fox kingdom, but there was no one who knew about Mary's whereabouts. The last person that we hadn't spoken to... was Cai, Chris's best friend. No one knew of his whereabouts either.

Everyone was in pure chaos without a ruler (Chris's stepdad is dead and his mother is missing.), so Chris had to take over. They had a king again, after 12 years. Chris had taken over rule at only 19 years old. I felt bad for him.

Chris sent out major search parties to try and find his friend. He said "I need to talk to him..." but I knew that was a lie. I don't know what he wants Cai for, but it's definitely not just to "talk to him".

I tried day in, and day out to try and figure out what he wasn't telling me and why, but I failed. Soon, I joined a search party. We traveled far and wide, trying to find Cai, but no luck. On our way back, we found the human kingdom. We looked all around in there, searching every house that was left standing, but nothing was found.

We got back, and there was still no luck by other search parties, either. However, we did hear about one search party. Over eighty guards left in that party, and only one just barely managed to get back. He said that the party he left with came across the cat nation, which was on their route to find Cai.

Apparently, while they searched the town, they found a cat that had murdered and severely wounded the team. The one who made it back could barely carry himself back to the castle, much less carry one of those who were injured.

Of course, everyone thinks he was delusional. I mean, the cats haven't been alive for a good 32 years! No one would believe for a second that the cats are still alive. I mean, they're not... right?

Anyway, even as the wounded man had recovered, he never gave up his story that there is at least one cat that is still alive. Chris started preparing warriors to go back to the kingdom, and everyone worked their absolute hardest.

Only the top of their class was sent on that expedition, and even they died within minutes. These foxes needed to put their blood, sweat, and tears into this fight. I decided to join them. Chris tried to talk me out of it, saying it was a suicide mission. I wouldn't give up and eventually, he gave in.

We all trained for what felt like months. I admit, it was just a week, but it felt like hell from day one to day seven. Soon enough, we sent off. It's been a rough week, but I had a feeling this next month was about to be even worse.

Fortunately, everyone in the group is okay for now. There is a total of one hundred and two of us. I'm surprised everyone is okay right now.

We've ventured through the mountains, the sea, and even valleys and hills, and we've finally made it to the cat nation, Avuwo. Everyone entered the town with caution, and we found huge bloodstains on the concrete.

Someone yelled that they'd seen the cat. Everyone clutched their blades tighter as I heard a whooshing sound from behind me. There was yelling, a Squelch!, and my vision went black.

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