Chapter 5

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I tried my hardest not to scream as I was being put on the counter. I ragdolled and relaxed my entire body as I waited for the fox to help me. He didn't. "Um... Chris? I don't see a stab mark. Did you actually kill her?" The mother questioned the fox, or I guess, Chris. "Uh yeah. What, you think I'd lie to you, mother?"

I kept relaxing my body as he walked closer and closer. Chris laughed as he touched my thigh. "I poisoned her." Suddenly, I noticed something. I can't feel my body. Did he actually poison me without me noticing? How? And when? My mind started to race as I suddenly heard a stab. What just happened? Did his mother kill Chris? Did Chris kill her? Nope. The words I heard next had given me so much shock, it was so hard to not show it.

"See mother? She didn't feel a thing. She's dead." Chris smiled at me. His mother started speaking again "Oh my! I can't believe you just stabbed her leg! I didn't think you had it in you, even though she is dead." I held my breath so I wouldn't gasp. He didn't stab her or vice versa. HE STABBED ME.

His mother looked ecstatic. "My turn!" Chris gasped as she stole the knife and aimed it at my heart. "This is for Jen taking my daughter's life!" Chris yelled his mother's name as she tried to kill me. "MARY STOP!" I heard a stab. But... I wasn't dead. How... am I not dead? Then I saw it. Mary stabbed Chris's arm. "C-CHRIS!" Mary yelled at her son, who was gushing blood from his arm where he was stabbed. Chris was in shock staring at his arm, completely wide-eyed.

I held my breath, again fighting the need to gasp. Chris's head twitched as he slowly turned his head to look at his mother who was crying. "Chris... please forgive me." Mary mumbled to her son, who had started to become nauseous. He puked in the sink next to my head, and some got on my ears. Ewww... I thought to myself. As Chris was hurling in the sink, facing away from his mother, I saw an angry look from her long face.

She yanked the knife from his arm and grabbed bandages to wrap around his arm. "I'm so sorry, my poor son!" She said (it sounded genuine, but from her eyes, it was obviously fake) as she wrapped his arm in bandages. I watched as Chris stopped vomiting and started feeling tired. "Chris, why did you stop me from stabbing the bunny? Unless... she's not really..." "No! Mom... I planned on using her as my... punching bag." Chris came up with an excuse on the spot. I was impressed. "I was afraid that if she had any wounds in her torso area... she would be torn apart."

Mary gave him a suspicious look. "I..." She suddenly had a smile on her face. " so proud of you!" She hugged him tightly. Then, she loosened her grip. "Well, at first I thought that it might have been alive, since you sacrificed your arm for it... but you've made me remember that I should be proud of my fierce little boy." She pinched his slightly chubby cheeks. "Mom..." He pried her hands from his face.

"Alright, I'm gonna go to the armory. I wanna try fighting with a sword." He said to her, slightly embarrassed. Mary gasped at his sentence. "You... what? You're finally becoming a swordsman?" She smiled. Then, her smile faded into a confused look. "What will you do with the bag?" Wow. Just wow. Now she's referring to me as 'tHe BaG'? Rude. is what I thought.

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