Chapter 11

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I blushed as he slammed the door, and I walked over to lock it. Was he about to say... 'love you'? It surprised me at first, but since it's just too hard to believe, I started making jokes about it. "Of course he loves me! Who wouldn't?" I flipped my short red hair as a joke, laughing to myself about it.

Of course, he doesn't actually love me... right? I mean I've heard of Stockholm Syndrome, but I've never heard of it being the other way around. Plus, what would it even be called? Mlohkcots Syndrome? Whatever, why am I thinking this far into it? He obviously doesn't like me anyways. He was probably talking to his mom. I thought about it constantly until he'd returned to his room.

"You in there, J?" He knocked on the door gently, probably so his mom wouldn't hear him. I opened the door for him, quietly of course. He entered his room and I turned around so he could change back to his everyday clothes. After he finished, he sat on his bed with me. "How did today go? Considering you're still alive, I'm guessing you weren't found by my mom?" I sighed. "Yeah." We smiled at each other, and both were genuine.

We spoke to each other for a while, drawing, reading, doing whatever to pass the time. It had started to near dinnertime, so we started to wrap things up. "Hey! Look at my drawing." Chris smiled as he held his drawing up for me to see. I laughed at his drawing. "I still can't believe that you draw stick figures!" He blushed. "We don't have art classes in Siyala! Brat!"

We jokingly hit each other until we noticed each other's papers were getting crumpled. We both grabbed our notebooks and tried to smoothen out our pictures. Suddenly, I noticed him looking over to my drawing. "What are you looking at?" I nudged him on the shoulder while giving a slight chuckle, to show I was kidding.

Chris blushed when he spotted me looking at him and he turned his head away. "I just... you're a really good artist. I... kind of wish I was born a bunny." He scratched his cheek, frowning, and looked at his watch. "O-oh! It's dinnertime. Don't forget to lock the door, Jade." He waved at me and shut the door.

Later, Chris re-entered the room and we spoke a little. Suddenly, I had a bad feeling all of a sudden, and Chris stood up.

"There, mom. Are you happy?"

Chris looked back to the door as it swung open. Mary stood in the doorframe holding a butcher knife. "Quite, young traitor." She walked inside the room slowly with a furious expression on her face. She stood and looked at me, then Chris, then me again, and she stepped toward me. I looked at Chris, frightened, yet confused.

"I'm sorry, little bunny. She found out." He sighed. Mary took another step toward me, but this step seemed like she was about to swing the knife at me. I flinched and got into a defensive position. I didn't feel any pain. Maybe he drugged me again? I thought to myself as I opened my eyes in shock after hearing a deep-voiced scream.

Chris's arm was partially cut off by the knife which was lodged into the wall.

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