Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning with a stabbing pain in my side. I screamed in hopes that someone would hear me after I woke up in a closet. Who even kidnapped me? I screamed and cried and banged on the door, hoping, praying that someone'd hear me. I kept banging on the door until someone let me out. It was Chris. I was infuriated. "What the hell happened?! Why am I back here?! I helped you so the deal says you let me free!" I looked at me confused, then down at my body, then back up to my eyes and smiled.

"Darling, the deal has changed." He said as he got down on his knees and grabbed my chin. "Now that I've captured you once again, we need a new deal if you want me to let you go." I growled at him as he said that. "How... how could you?! YOU PROMISED!" He chuckled as he stood back up. "You heard what I said. The deal is OFF."

I looked down to the side before he closed the closet door and yelled. "What... what would happen if you... didn't let me go?" He smirked and looked to the side. "Then you'll be joining me and my entire family for dinner..." I smiled a little, until he finished his sentence. " the main course." His smirk disappeared. I hadn't expected that sentence to end like that. I wonder why I smiled though. I was probably just glad he hadn't planned to eat me. Yeah, that's it. No other reason.

I laid in the closet, partially hiding myself under his clothes as I waited for further news from him, then I realized that he's probably waiting for me to make a deal with him. Now what should that be I wondered. I considered trying to help him out with another act of bravery, but I figured that it wouldn't work. Then, I heard a loud groan "Are you almost ready? Damn. You're taking forever to make a deal with me." I heard Chris's bed creak and then heard his footsteps coming toward me.

"Y'know... it's almost dinnertime." I heard him say, accompanied by a laugh. I started to sweat. It was making me really nervous, the way he said it. I started to think harder. I'm not gonna let myself become fox food. ...Not today, at least. But... no matter how hard I thought... my mind was blank! I'm gonna die here!

"Chris?" I asked in a quiet, shaky voice. "Hm?" He slammed something shut. (It sounded like a book.) I heard his footsteps stomping toward me as I cowered to a corner in the small closet. He flung open the closet doors. "How... do you know... my name?" He glared at me with a serious look on his face. Much different from his usual confident mask that hides his sensitive and insecure nature. I hesitated. "I- Uh-" He interrupted me. "You what? ANSWER ME!" I gasped as he held me by the collar of my bodysuit and shook me. "M- Mary!" I blurted out.

"My mother? Great." He said. I sighed angrily as he put me down. I became furious at him after I calmed down from how terrified that made me. "Why does it matter so much that I know your name? It's easier for me to address you now, after all." I snapped at him. He looked back at me, genuinely looking a little afraid, but it was mostly masked by anger. He sighed after a few moments of silence. "Gosh, bunnies are terrifying..." He said with a slight chuckle as he backed up to his bed and flopped down on it. "...Especially when they're women." He burst out laughing as I glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" His laugh died down. "Nothing." He sighed and slicked back his lengthy hair (or as much as he could with those trashy fox ears.)

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