𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢 ~~ good to see you again

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For the first time in a very long time, Kimi has no idea what he was doing. He isn't an especially techsavvy guy. He knew the basic things, like reposting a story on IG, and how to keep the phone on silent and Do Not Disturb at all times of the day. It is enough for him, he prefers to call anyway. Call him an old man, he just has habits and doesn't see why he would need to change them.

That's why posting something on Instagram is nerve wreaking. Yeah, he posted things before, he isn't unfamiliar with the process. Yet, it is the first time he truly wants to post something, to share something with the world. He has spend almost an hour searching the best picture possible. He always had favourites, of course, but those ones, he kept them in a photo album, stored near his trophies.

After all, he doesn't wan't to loose a part of himself if he looses his phone.

Once he found the perfect one, one he liked the most anyway, he downloaded it on his phone, and prepared the post. Who knew writing a caption would be this hard? Finding the perfect words, without them letting on his true intentions, is not child's play. Several times, he found himself going all wall-of-text, just to remember that, no, it's not good to declare your love and never ending admiration to someone that publicly, not when said someone isn't aware of how you feel.

Kimi might not care about others, but he is not dumb enough to commit social suicide, thank you very much.

So he settles down on some pretty vague phrase, something he could have half-arsed found if he wasn't that involved into the process. Once he is sure he did not make any error, English wasn't even his favourite subject at school, he hits post, and waits. His phone doesn't lit up from the notifications, he learned the hard way to turn those of for any social media he uses. Yet, it also doesn't light up to show a message, the message he had been awaiting for so long.

Kimi might have a not-bothered-by-anything attitude, but he is incredibly anxious about fucking things up with Seb. But now that the latter retires, there is a chance, a maybe hanging in the air, that Kimi cannot let escape.

So he waits, patiently. Phone turned face up on the coffee table in front of him, as he pretends to study some NASCAR circuits. He definitely doesn't watch that damn piece of tech every ten seconds, and absolutely doesn't hallucinate it lighting up, no. He is calm and rational about all this, might even going as far as saying unbothered and uncaring about anything other than racing.

Who was he trying to kid? He immediately left whatever he had in his hands to grab his phone the second the screen showed a new message, from Sebi <3.

The message comes from WhatsApp, the only social media Kimi does often use. He doesn't want to pay his life into carrier charges thank you very much. He opens the app, having somehow failed at tapping on the notification, and is immediately brought up on the last conversation he saw, which is some group called "the oldies besties". Kimi groans, damning whoever came up with that name, so probably Fernando, and goes back to the main menu, tapping instead on the one he is actually interested in.

Thank you for your kind words!

Kimi never felt himself go as mellow as now from a fucking message.

You're welcome.

He types back, not really knowing what to say. In fact, no, he knows what he wants to say, but he doesn't have the courage to do so. He has planned it all in his head, rehearsed countless of times, yet, he just cannot. He is brought back from his musing by his phone, as he received another message.

Now that I have more time, do you want to swing by my house one of these days?

I've never wanted anything more, Kimi almost types. But he doesn't. Instead, he just puts a simple:

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