𝐬𝐞𝐛 & 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ~~ of pups and stealing them

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cw : omegaverse


When Michael joins the grid again, in 2010, a lot has changed. New faces came, old faces went. The sport, however, hasn't changed one bit. Team principals still tear down each other's throats, Alonso is still somehow delusioned he'll win another championship, the rookies still think they know it all, and the pack-but-not-really-pack room still smells like burned robber and gasoline (among with the fact that he found an old sweater of his there).

It feels good to be back in the grid, even more now that he has a teammate to terrorise, and a new protégé to form.

He has made quite a few good discoveries, and one of them is Sebastian Vettel. The youngster in an Omega, just like him, causes havoc everywhere he goes, just like him, and seems endlessly thirsty for victory, again just like him.

Michael didn't had any other choice than to adopts him, get him under his wing or whatever french bullshit Jean Todt always says.

With two pups back home and a third at the grid, he has truly never been happier. That's it, until he came along.

Michael knew Kimi. That young Beta was, and still is, a literal pain in the arse. From his beginnings at McLaren, that driver did everything he could to win against Michael, a vain task if you ask anyone, and he almost caught him, back in 2003.

Now? He drives for Lotus, and apparently bankrupting the team at the same time. But most importantly, he steals Seb away from him.

Of course Michael knew those two were close friends. Of course he expected Kimi to hang around, to be casually mentioned in conversations. But he didn't expect for him to be the only topic Seb has in mind.

« He was really good in that piece of shit car, for his first driver back after rallying, » says Sebastian, for the umpteenth time of the day. « Truly a magician. Have you seen the move he pulled on Maldonado? Brilliant. »

Michael doesn't growl. But Michael also doesn't like it. He sees the stars in Seb's eyes each time he talks about the Finnish racer. Of course he has noticed the heart eyes those two give each other!

If it did not ment spending less time with Seb, he would have 100% locked those two in the same room.

« I have seen it, » Michael doesn't think he can be more cold towards Kimi without hurting Seb's feelings.

« That's so great! And at turn eleven, when he took the racing line... »

Michael drowns out Seb's infinite monologue about Räikkönen. He might not want to loose Seb, but he doesn't want to loose his humanity either.

A beautiful, birds singing high in the tress but you can't hear them over the deafening sound of the motors, day, Michael finds himself in a peculiar position. You see, he had to meet Seb for lunch, but the Omega is nowhere to be found. All the Schumacher family is in the paddock, and Gina and Mick have been dying to see their favourite uncle again.

Which, again, has completely disappeared from the surface of the earth.

« Where is Seb? » A little Mick asks, holding tight his father's hand. « I want to see Seb! »

Michael feels that the situation will soon come to a stalemate. So he does the only reasonable thing he can: he drops off the kids with his Alpha (without forgetting to shout « Thanks Corinna! » on his way out), and goes a hunting for his other pup.

He's nose leads him towards the McLaren territory, and Michael immediately scrunches his nose. Nothing good ever came from those barren lands. Still, he pushes past his feelings and continues his task.

The smell of freshly baked bread is an easy train to follow, and he ends up in front of Räikkönen's driver's room. Of. Fucking. Course.

Michael knows he should knock. But he doesn't want to. So he doesn't.

« Seb! I know who are here! »

Is the only announcement he makes before opening the door. And what he finds breaks him.

In the middle of the room, snuggled in a messy but perfect nest, sleep Seb and Kimi, both wrapped around each other.

« Oh no no no, young man, » Michael says, a little louder than necessary. « This won't do at all! »

Seb carefully lifts one eye open, a smirk on his face.

« What? Afraid you can't keep up? »

Michael is too flabbergasted to say anything. Good one, pup, good one.

« Schumacher! » Räikkönen is awake too, now looked scarred as if he saw a Ferrari strategist. « I -!»

« No need to say anything, Kimi, » Michael just says, sighting. « I should have seen it coming. I'll eat alone for today. But Sebastian, do not forget to say high to the kids. »

And as he was leaving, he can't resist to say one last thing.

« And you two pups don't do anything I wouldn't do. Condoms are provided by the FIA doctor if you need them, or just knock to my door, Corinna may still have some with her! »

And Michael bolts out, leaving the indignated screams behind closed doors. He chuckles lightly, content of himself. He is still the Michael Schumacher, after all.

Later that year, Seb is finally sporting a red mate-bite on his neck. But he hasn't calmed down, oh not at all. He's still deadly on track to get his third consecutive championship, and Michael hasn't been prouder (maybe except the time Gina and Mick were born, or when Corinna asked him to marry her, or when he won with Ferrari, or...) But that's not the point. He is proud, but he has another problem now, a problem names Sebatian Vettel.

The Schumachers are yet again at the track. Michael was Mick and Gina the cars, even if the latter still wants to see the Ferraris because they have a horse on them, when his other pup came to visit.

« Oh, hi kids! » Sebastian said, welcoming them into his arms. « Don't you two look beautiful today, huh! »

Both of the pups giggled, and that's when things went bad for Michael. Seb shot him one of his you-won't-see-this-coming look, making Michael a little dubitatif. He just smiled at his mentor, before bolting out of the door, the two pups happily giggling in his arms.

« You two want to see an actual fast car, I bet! » The little devil shouted as he exited the Mercedes garage.

Michael was stunned, he did not expect that.

« Seb! » He shouted, before bolting out too.

And that's where it brings him, running after his pup stealing his two other ones, mumbling about how you let a pup get just a little independence and they already start to fuck shit up in the most spectacular way.


please forget i used the french « » bc i am too lazy to change them and honestly they are more aesthetic than the english ones.
also due to my relationship status (aka having a bf since three months now) i can't right anymore (aka im not in the right mood) x)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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