𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 ~~ tristes, ensembles

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cw: mentions of Silverstone 2022 aka crash and bad race for piarles


Charles couldn't believe. It was impossible. How could have they made such poor decisions? Again? It wasn't like he hadn't asked, hadn't begged them to do something. Charles fought for this, fought for this Ferrari victory, and where did he get him? On fourth positions.

Through his anger and disappointment, there still was some happiness for his teammate. After all, it was Carlos' first victory, and in Ferrari! The Spaniard made history, but Charles couldn't get himself to be excited. It was lovely, yes, but he still felt like he deserved that win, to keep up to Max in the championship.

After all his media duty, the Monégasque was still bitter by all of this. He didn't speak to his engineer, nor to Mattia, nor to any Ferrari affiliated people. They could all go fuck themselves in Charles' opinion, and leave him alone, at least for this evening. He knew his presence at the post-GP was mandatory, so he just hoped to escape them all, just for a moment.

As he walked back to his team's motorhome to grab something to eat, he heard some shouting from the Alpha Tauri garage. Curious, he went there. The more he approached the garage, the more he could hear who was speaking. When it occurred to him it was Pierre, his boyfriend, who was doing all this shouting, he sprinted.

"...and you could have killed someone, Yuki! That's not responsible!"

Pierre was standing, hands crossed on his chest, in front of a very angry looking Tsunoda. They both seemed to be ready to go at each other's throats. The rest of the Alpha Tauri team looked terrified, and sighted in relief when they saw Charles.

Before the Japanese driver could answer to the Frenchman, Charles fully entered the garage, making his presence known to all.

"Pierre," he said, looking expectantly at him, "come on, we should leave."

Pierre looked at him like he grew another head.

"What do you mean we should leave? I'm in the middle of-"

The Frenchman didn't finish his sentence, as the Monégasque grabbed him arm, forcibly dragging him towards a more secluded corner of the paddock. The Monégasque pushed him against a wall, before hugging him tight. Pierre fought for a second, before letting himself go, sighting.

"Shhh, Pierrot, let it all go," he said, making sure his body could cover the most of Pierre's.

The latter only sighted in content. He felt love all around him, and it helped him clear his mind. Minutes by minutes, all the negativity and other negative emotions left his body. Charles had a similar reaction, suddently feeling better himself too.

They could have stayed like that for a long time, possibly all their lives, just hugging. But life and its obligations came knocking at their heavenly bubble, disturbing the fragile peacefulness of the moment.

"Hey, Charles?" It was an Alpha Tauri mechanic, not looking at all surprised seeing the two drivers engulfed in each other's arms. "Your team is looking for you."

Charles sighted, and Pierre groaned in disaproval. The mechanic only chuckled.

"OK, I'll say to them that I can't find you, should give you two lovebirds an extra five minutes."

"Thanks Harry," Pierre replied, hiding his head in Charles' neck.

They truly needed five more minutes, just to feel at home a little more.



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